8 - The Apprentice

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In town, Killian was walking through Storybrooke, holding his hand. He came across a drunk Will Scarlet who was trying to break into the library.

"Oh. We'll see about that, won't we?" Will said.

Killian saw Will, "Bloody hell," He said.

"That's what I say," Will looked up and saw Killian, "Can I help you mate?" Will asked.

"I've been a pirate long enough to know there's nothing worth stealing in there," Killian said.

"That's what you think," Will said as he turned back to the door.

"You're drunk, mate. Go home," Killian said as he tried to move Will away from the door.

Will shrugged him off forcefully as he stood up, "Get off me, man," Killian suddenly shoved Will back and punched him in the face, Will held his bloody nose, "What the hell, mate?" Will said.

Killian realised what he had down and stepped back from you then looked at him, "You tell anyone about this, you're a dead man," He moved to the side and leaned against the side of the library looking at his newly attached hand, "Bloody crocodile was right," Killian said


Anna was back from the Apprentice's cottage and was back with Rumplestiltskin and Delphinia in their Dark Castle.

Delphinia was holding the empty vial, "So, you poured it in the tea?" Delphinia asked.

"Just as your father asked," Anna said.

"And he drank it?" Delphinia asked.

"Every last drop," Anna told them.

"Good! Then he'll live!" Rumpelstiltskin said.

"So, now can you tell me why my parents came..." She realised what Rumplestiltskin had just said and stopped, "Wait, what? What do you mean, 'live'?" Anna asked

"He'll live because he drank the antidote you gave him," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Antidote? To what?" Anna asked.

"Uh, poison," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"I thought it was poison," Anna said.

Rumplestiltskin laughed, "No! The poison's what he drank yesterday! What you had was the cure for that," He said.

"I didn't give it to him," Anna said.

Rumplestiltskin faked sadness, "Well, why not? We had a deal," He said in a fake soft tone.

Rumplestiltskin faked sadness, "Well, why not? We had a deal," He said in a fake soft tone

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