25 - Darkness on the Edge of Town

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In the Forbidden Fortress, Ursula walked down the corridor and she saw a guard, she used her tentacle to knock the guard out.

"Stop. Just who the hell might you be?" Maleficent said.

Ursula attacked Maleficent with her tentacles but Maleficent blocked them with her staff, "Ursula. But you can call me Your Majesty," Ursula said.

"I don't bow down to fish," Maleficent said.

"Who are you?" Ursula asked.

"I'm the person whose valet you either knocked out, strangled or tried to impregnate. I don't know what those tentacles are for," Maleficent said.

"I was invited here. What's your excuse?" Ursule said.

"This is my home," Maleficent said.

"So why did you send for me?" Ursula asked.

"Believe me, I did not send for you," Maleficent said.

"Then what..." Ursula said.

Then they heard dogs barking as Ursula lets go of Maleficent and Maleficent pointed her staff at the dogs as Cruella walked in.

"I wouldn't do that. Don't worry. They don't eat fish or dragon. Unless I tell them to," Cruella said as she crouched down and blew green mist at the dogs, calming them down.

 Unless I tell them to," Cruella said as she crouched down and blew green mist at the dogs, calming them down

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"Thank you, my darlings. A wonderful job. I'll take it from here..." Cruella stood up, "Now, who's gonna tell me what in the hell I'm doing in this ghastly place?" Cruella said.

"Lovely question, because this 'ghastly place' is my home, and I didn't ask for any visitors," Maleficent said.

"Maleficent what do you need..." Delphinia stepped out of the shadows and saw them, "You busy?" Delphinia asked.

"What are you doing here?" Maleficent asked.

"Us first darling, I received specific instructions," Cruella said.

"As did I," Ursula said.

"I as well," Delphinia said.

"I don't care. You're trespassing. And do you know what I do with trespassers?" Maleficent said as she started to lift up her staff.

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