22 - Shattered Sight

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Flashback: Richfield, Minnesota - 1999

In the street at night, Emma, Alana and Ingrid were stood at a bus stop, waiting.

"It's nights like this I wish I just had the power to poof home like Harry Potter. If I was like him, I could be standing here in the cold one minute, and home soaking in the tub in the next," Emma said.

"Oh, now all I want a hot bubble bath," Alana said.

"That would be something, wouldn't it? Girls... Girls," The twins looked at her, "Do you both remember how much fun we had in the arcade last week?" Ingrid asked.

"Of course. Best day we've had in a long time. How could we forget?" Alana said with a smile.

"And do you remember how the lights in the game flickered right before you won?" Ingrid asked.

"Yeah. Weird," Alana said.

"What if it was more than just weird? What if it meant that you were on the cusp of a great self-revelation?" The twins looked at her confused, "I think it's time," Ingrid said and led Emma and Alana in the middle of the road as a car approached.

"What are you doing?!" Emma yelled.

"Stop the car," Ingrid said as she held the girls.

"What?!" The twins yelled.

"Trust your instincts. Do it! Stop the car!" Ingrid said.

The twins pulled out of Ingrid's grasp, "Let go of us!" The twins yelled and they ran back onto the pavement.

"Girls!" Ingrid ran over to them, "I'm sorry," Ingrid said.

"Are you crazy?! You almost killed us!" Emma yelled.

"I made a mistake. When I was younger, I... I had a traumatic experience that unleashed a power that I... I didn't even know that I had," Ingrid said.

"What are you talking about?" Alana asked.

"I thought the arcade was a sign that you both were coming into your own," Ingrid said.

"You think we have powers? Like Harry Potter?" Emma asked as they looked at her like she's mad.

"No, girls. That's fiction. What you two have is more real and more powerful than you two can possibly imagine," Ingrid said.

"Great. We should've known the only person willing to adopt us would turn out to be a nut job," Alana said.

"No. Alana..." Ingrid said as she reached for her.

"Don't touch her!" Emma pulled her younger sister back, "I thought..." Emma said, before taking Alana's hand and the twins ran away from her.

"Girls, wait. Emma! Alana!" Ingrid chased after them but they ran quickly till they were out of sight, "Emma! Alana!" Ingrid yelled.

End of Flashback

Regina was looking for Alana at the Sheriff Station, but she found Mary Margaret and David instead.

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