41 - Operation Mongoose: Part 1

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Flashback: Scarsdale - December 1966

A knight rode his horse on TV. Isaac tried to sell a new TV to a couple.

"I don't know. Do we really need colour?" The man asked.

"'Do we really need colour?' Do we need to settle for what came before? Don't you want to really see the world? It's a complicated place, and people are complex creatures. Their interior lives are painted with many different hues and shades. And the Zenith Marseille colour TV... It brings the profound complications of the universe right into your living room," Isaac said.

"Does it have a clicker?" The man asked.

"What?" Isaac asked.

"A clicker," The man said as he motioned a remote with his hand.

The boss walked in with a TV remote, "You mean the space command remote? Why, that's included in the price, sir," The boss said.

"Now we're talking," The man said as he took the remote.

The boss pointed to the tattoo on the man's arm, "Hey. Were you a ranger?" The boss asked.

"Damn right. 25th infantry division. You were in the service?" The man said.

"You bet, 187th airborne, company 'A'. We heard a lot about your unit. You guys were real heroes. Tell you what... Why don't you take this out for a test drive, huh? See how it feels," The boss said.

The boss motioned to Isaac to follow him as he walked away, they walked into the back area of the car.

"What the hell are you doing, Isaac? Huh? Rambling on about weird technical crap? You're supposed to be selling," The boss said.

"I was," Isaac said.

"No. No. You were sending them across the street to Gimbels. Now, I hired you because you said you wanted to be a writer," The boss said.

"I'm a writer," Isaac said.

"Stacks of rejected manuscripts in the break room don't count. But I figured you knew something about telling stories. That's how you sell. But now I get why you don't have a picture on the back of a book yet. You don't tell stories people want," The boss said and he walked away.

Isaac searched in the mail and he found a letter from a publisher, "Maybe that's about to change," Isaac said, he opened the letter to see it was from Star Publishing saying they wanted to meet him immediately.

Isaac searched in the mail and he found a letter from a publisher, "Maybe that's about to change," Isaac said, he opened the letter to see it was from Star Publishing saying they wanted to meet him immediately

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