17 - Smash the Mirror: Part 2

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Elsa and Anna were walking in the dungeon passing a sleeping guard.

"He looks peaceful. Though you should probably look into hiring some new guards when this is all over," Anna whispered.

"Smart... Now, are you sure you're gonna be okay down here?" Elsa said as they walked back towards Anna's cell.

"Yes, it's not as bad as it looks, except for the dankness and the darkness and the mice... Who are cute, when they're not scurrying over your toes. But I have shoes. I promise I'll be fine," Anna said.

"And I promise I won't be long. As soon as I return to the palace, I'll tell Ingrid you're to be banished and that she's to see to your punishment personally," Elsa said.

"Then when she comes down here, I'll surprise her with the urn. Not like a party... 'surprise!' Something more dour to match the occasion, like, 'surprise'," Anna said as they stood in front of Anna's cell. 

"What if something goes wrong? I should come down here, too, just in case," Elsa said.

"No, you need to be as far away as possible. We don't want you getting trapped in the urn by mistake. Please don't worry. I promise... Everything is going to be fine," Anna said.

Anna entered her cell, Elsa locked her inside sadly and walked away. Ingrid used her magic to block Anna and stepped out of the darkness.

"Surprise!" Ingrid giggled, "How was that?" She said.

"I'd have done it different," Anna said.

"Well, I'm afraid you won't get the chance. You see, I was hoping that Elsa would believe the lies I told her, but I knew I had to be ready in case she didn't," Ingrid said.

"It doesn't matter. You'll never turn us against each other," Anna said.

"'Never.' That's a strong word," Ingrid said.

End of Flashback

Emma and Alana woke up in the yellow bug after the accident and they got out of the car, then walked onto the road and looked around, looking for Ingrid.

"Why'd you do that?" Alana asked.

"Ingrid was here," Emma said.

"Girls," Ingrid said, behind them.

The twins turned to her, "Stay back," Emma said.

"Wherever you're both headed, turn around and go home. You two are in great danger," Ingrid said.

"Gonna listen to you about danger? Get out of our way," Alana said.

"My sweet girls, I am not the one that you both should fear. Rumpelstiltskin is. Whatever he's promised you both, it's a lie," Ingrid said.

"How do you know he promised us anything?" Emma asked.

"So I was right. You two mustn't trust him, girls. He doesn't do anything unless it benefits him. He doesn't care about you two. He would kill you both to get what he desires," Ingrid said.

"You know what I think? The fact that you don't want us to go means something. It means we're going," Alana said.

"I won't let you two," Ingrid said as she stepped closer to them.

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