19 - Fall

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The spell of Shattered Sight was spreading across Storybrooke, Killian, Amy, Dylan and Calla were standing in front of a portal, outside the clocktower.

"Mummy, daddy, I don't wanna go!" Calla cried as she held onto Killian.

"We know, love, but you have to for your safety," Killian said.

"No!!" Calla yelled.

"Calla, sweetie, please... It won't be forever, it's just for this spell," Amy said.

"I'm scared," Calla said as she sobbed.

"We know, sweetheart, we know," They kissed her hand, "You need to be a good girl for Uncle Dylan, and do as he says, okay?" Amy said.

"You're not coming?" Dylan asked.

"No, I want to make sure Ingrid is not going to be a problem anymore," Amy said.

"I understand, I'll look after Calla," Dylan said.

"Thanks, mate," Killian said.

Dylan cautiously took Calla from Killian, "Ready to see grandma and granddad?" Dylan asked.

Calla nodded sadly as Killian placed an arm around Amy, "We love you, Calla," Killian said.

"So much," Amy said.

"I love you two, too," Calla said.

Dylan looked at Amy and Killian, "Be careful," Dylan said and he ran through the portal with Calla.

Amy and Killian turned into each other and they hugged each other tightly.

Meanwhile in the woods, Mr Gold met Ingrid in the woods.

"Well done, dearie. It appears you've won," Mr Gold said.

"That's big of you. A welcome change. You're usually so confrontational," Ingrid said.

"I prefer reasonable. I'd like to make a deal," Mr Gold said.

"You have nothing I want," Ingrid said.

"Well, perhaps I do. This spell of yours, when it hits... In a few hours from now?" Mr Gold said.

"Sundown," Ingrid said.

"Sundown. Yeah. It'll bring out the darkness in everyone in this town," Mr Gold said.

"It'll do more than that. They will tear themselves apart until everyone is dead," Ingrid said.

"Not everyone. You'll have what you want... You alone with your 'sisters', Elsa, Alana and Emma doing who knows what and I'll be here, too, spending every waking moment of my immortal life trying to rip your heart out," Mr Gold said.

"It seems you do have something to offer. What do you want?" Ingrid asked.

"To leave," Mr Gold said.

"Didn't we already make this deal?" Ingrid asked.

"Yes, but I have an eye for a loophole and I think I've spotted yours. My wife and grandson will be destroyed by this spell, so I want you to allow them to leave with me. You spare the two of them, I spare you misery. Do we have a deal?" Mr Gold said.

"Enjoy your trip," Ingrid said and they both looked up at the sky where a purple cloud was travelling into the town.

Back at the clocktower, Amy and Killian walked up to the top where Elsa, Emma, Alana, Neal, Regina, David, Mary Margaret, Henry and Leroy were stood.

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