33 - Best Laid Plans

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Snow White and Prince Charming were running through the forest, tracking something and Snow White knelt to look at the trail she was following.

"What is it? Did the trail go cold?" Prince Charming asked.

"Shh," Snow White pointed to a unicorn that grunted, "Well, come on. Let's get this over with," She said.

"Snow... I know you're worried about what Maleficent's and Delphinia said," Prince Charming said.

"Aren't you? If they're right, our children could end up with dark hearts," Snow White said.

"Or they grow to be powerful heroes. They said that, too, and who's to say we can even trust Maleficent?" Prince Charming said.

"Let's find out," They slowly walked over to the unicorn and Snow White fed it a green apple, "According to legend, all we need to do is touch its horn... And we'll get a glimpse of our children's future," Snow White said.

They looked at each other before they touched the horn at the same time.

Prince Charming found himself in the woods, there was a large basket a few feet away from him with a purple ribbon around her. He looked closer and saw twin babies inside, the babies were fussing and he carefully picked them both up.

"Ohh. Yes. Look at you two. You're both so beautiful," Prince Charming said.

Within seconds, he came out of the vision and let go of the unicorn's horn, "Snow, it's alright. Our babies are gonna be alright!" He looked at her, "Snow?" Prince Charming said.

Snow White was still in a trance and had found herself in the woods, she walked around until she saw two teenage girls, Alana and Emma, both wearing pink gowns.

"Look at you two. You're both so beautiful," Snow White said.

Young Emma and Young Alana walked up to her and Young Emma shoved her hand into her mother's chest then took out her heart before handing it to Young Alana.

Snow White gasped, "What are you doing?! Please! I'm your mother!" Snow White said.

Young Alana looked at her blankly, "We don't care," The twins said and Young Alana crushed her mother's heart.

Snow White gasped as she came out of the vision with a worried look on her face.

"Did you see? Our children are gonna be just fine," Prince Charming said.

"No. No, it's not," She looked at him, "It's evil," Snow White said.

End of Flashback

At the Charming's family loft with Alana, Neal, Calla, Regina and Emma.

"How the hell is the Author trapped inside the book?" Regina asked.

"Don't ask us. You're the magic expert," Alana said.

"Mom," Henry said.

"Well, this is insane. What are we supposed to do, draw a key?" Regina said.

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