40 - Falling for You (Original Ep: Mother)

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Neal and Alana were walking through Storybrooke holding hands and Emma walked up to them.

"Wait," They turned to her, "I...I can't find Regina," Emma said.

"Where did you last see her?" Alana asked.

"We were leaving Amy's office and she said she had something to do before we tell Henry," Emma said.

"We haven't seen her, if we do we'll send her your way," Alana said.

"Thanks... What you two up to?" Emma asked.

"Looking at a house," Neal said.

"Oh, found something?" Emma asked.

"Maybe, don't know yet... Did you find out what you were looking for in the book?" Alana asked.

"Well... No, but they still found each other when the Author was sealed away... Maybe, he did push George and James to keep Delphinia in the castle," Emma said with a shrug.

"It'll work out Emma," Neal said.

"Thanks, you two should head on, I'll keep looking," Emma said.

"See you later," Alana said and they walked off.

Flashback: Portland - 2001

Neal ran around a corner of a building, pulling Alana with him and he led her into an alleyway. They stood against a wall and two men ran past the alleyway.

"That was close," Alana whispered.

"Yeah," Neal looked at her and smiled, "You can run," Neal said.

"Do all your drinks end up with you running away from the owners of places?" Alana asked.

"Only when I've broken into somewhere," Neal said with a smile.

"Jeez..." Alana looked out of the alleyway and she stepped out, "Think we're okay," Alana said.

"Yeah? You sure?" Neal asked.

"Probably not, but we can't hide in an alleyway all night," Alana said.

"True," Neal said.

"We should get back to Emma... Then we'll leave you to... Whatever it is you do," Alana said and she started walking.

Neal watched her for a moment as he thought, "Hey, hey, wait," Neal took her hand and she looked at him, "Why... Why don't... Why don't we stick together, we seem like a good team and you can run away," Neal said with a smile.

 Why don't we stick together, we seem like a good team and you can run away," Neal said with a smile

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