21 - Shattered Sight

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Flashback: Boston - 1982

Ingrid was walking on Boston's streets. She saw a psychic shop. She walked inside.

"You have travelled a great distance, but I can help you. Madame Faustina is here," Madame Faustina said.

"Sorceress, can you use your powers of crystal gazing to show me two girls who are not yet born?" Ingrid asked.

"These girls are special to you?" Madame Faustina asked.

"Very much so. At the age of 28, they will arrive in a town called Storybrooke," Ingrid said. 

"Madame Faustina knows all. Come. The crystal ball awaits" Ingrid sat across the table from the psychic, "How will you express your gratitude?" Madame Faustina said.

 The crystal ball awaits" Ingrid sat across the table from the psychic, "How will you express your gratitude?" Madame Faustina said

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"Thank you," Ingrid said as she lowered her head in gratitude.

"Payment. How... How will you pay me?" Madame Faustina said.

Ingrid took off her necklace, "Will this do?" Ingrid said as she gave Madame Faustina her necklace.

"Spirits of the ball, hear me and obey. I see... Two children," Madame Faustina said.

"Yes," Ingrid said.

"Two girls... Who are... Special," Madame Faustina said.

"Yes. They have many gifts. Tell me more," Ingrid said.

"The children's names are... Susan and Katy," Madame Faustina said

Ingrid walked out of the shop, "Liar! Their names will be Emma and Alana Swan! The Apprentice's scroll promises this!" Ingrid said.

"I don't know nothin' about a scroll. Now get outta here or you're gonna get a wicked beating," Madame Faustina said as she held up a baseball bat.

"Where I'm from, charlatans such as yourself are severely punished," Ingrid said and she tried to use her magic on her but nothing happened, she was powerless.

"Last warning, fruitcake. Hit the bricks," Madame Faustina warned.

"Your trickery changes nothing," Ingrid turned and walked away, "I will find Emma and Alana. They are coming, and I will find them. And I will wait for them as long as I must. And then I will have what I deserve," Ingrid said.

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