14 - The Snow Queen

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At the pawnshop, Henry was sweeping out in front when Mr Gold walked out of the backroom with Calla on his hip.

"Okay, I've swept the floor twice. Don't you think it's time I learned something a bit more... Magical?" Henry said.

"Well, Henry, today is your lucky day," Mr Gold placed Calla on the counter, "Stay still sweetheart," She nodded and he looked at Henry, "Because I am gonna give you a potion that possesses the power to transform something old into something new," Mr Gold said.

"What kind of potion is that?" Henry asked.

Mr Gold took a cloth off a bottle and turned it to Henry, "Furniture Polish. You can start in the back. Don't touch anything you shouldn't," Mr Gold said.

Henry took the furniture polish and walked into the backroom as Mr Gold picked Calla up, "And what shall we do?" Mr Gold asked.

"Umm... Play! Play!" Calla said as David, Dylan, Neal, Belle, Elsa, Amy and Killian walked in.

"Maybe not... This kind of procession never bodes well," Mr Gold said.

"Oh, Calla," Amy rushed over to her and took her, "Are you okay?" Amy asked.

"I'm okay mummy," Calla said and hugged her.

"The Snow Queen iced over the locks of the Sheriff's Department. The twins are trapped inside with her," David said.

"We need your help, dad... Phinia can't use her magic or the Snow Queen and Delilah will sense her," Neal said.

"Delilah?" Mr Gold asked.

"My aunt wants me dead," Amy said.

"What?" Mr Gold asked as he looked at her.

"Anyway, you must be able to get us in there. Please, Papa," Amy said.

"How could I turn down the pleas of my daughter? After you," Mr Gold said and Amy, Neal, David, Elsa and Dylan walked out.

Killian stayed and looked at him, "Alright, Crocodile. What's your game? The last two villains that came into town tried to kill you. But you seem rather unconcerned by these ones. Makes a man wonder if you three have a history... Delilah tried killing Delphinia and you seem rather calm," Killian said.

 Delilah tried killing Delphinia and you seem rather calm," Killian said

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"You can wonder all you like, dearie. My history... My business," Mr Gold said.


At the Dark One's castle, Delphinia had led the three sisters to her father and Ingrid told him about her powers and she wants to get rid of them.

"Ice powers, you say?" Rumpelstiltskin said and Delphinia nodded.

"And snow," Ingrid said.

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