39 - Falling for You (Orginial Ep: Mother)

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New York...

Regina, Emma and Robin were out of the apartment, leaving Alana and Lily to watch Zelena.

At the bar, Regina and Emma sat opposite Robin, "So, you moved on... With her," Robin said.

"That's not fair, you left town," Emma said.

"Yes, but I expected a call or something," Robin said.

"Would you have picked up?" Regina asked.

"I... I don't know," Robin said.

"Well, then, there's your answer and you moved on too, or weren't you into it when you got her pregnant?" Regina said and Emma sipped her drink awkwardly.

"That's not fair. You understood. You agreed," Robin said.

"I know, that's why I was closed off for four weeks but Emma wouldn't let me shut down like I wanted, I let her in and I'm happy," Regina said.

"That's... That's good. I'm happy you're happy, Regina," Regina smiled a little, "But... That's hardly the most important point here. My son. Zelena's not gonna keep wearing that glamour, and Roland's not gonna understand where his mother's gone. For him to lose her again..." Robin said.

"A forgetting potion?" Emma suggested.

Regina looked at her, "That would work," She looked at Robin, "Just take him back to before the fake Marian showed up. He'll lose time, but it's better, right? And we can tell him things didn't work out between us, mutually," Regina said.

Robin nodded, "Yes. Thank you... God, poor Marian... And Zelena, just killing her like she meant nothing so she could play out its sad farce with us. I just... I wanna... But I can't. I mean, I...I knew that things didn't feel right, but I just didn't know why," Robin said.

"I'm sorry. This was all about me. For her, this was all about... Making sure I never get my happy ending," Regina said.

"You're worried about that?" Regina looked at Emma, "If you're worried then you think you've got it?" Emma said.

"I think I have, I have never opened up to someone as much as I have with you in this space of time... The last person was Daniel... I think you're my happy ending, Emma... But, I don't want to jinx anything... So, can we continue the pace we are?" Regina said.

Emma smiled and took hold of her hand, "Of course," Emma said.

"Hmm..." The two looked at Robin, "Sorry, but what do we do now, you know with Zelena and her pregnancy?" Robin asked.

Back at the apartment, Alana was holding up the dreamcatcher, "Can't believe this survived all that time," Alana said.

"This place belongs to... Neal, right?" Lily said.

"Belonged, but yeah... And this was ours," Alana smiled, "We sort of stole it on the day we first mentioned about settling down," Lily looked at her, "Emma and I were on the streets after we got out of our last foster home and I stole the yellow bug, only for him to be hiding in the back seat... Then it was the three of us for a long time... I got pregnant and sent to jail," Alana said.

"Seriously?" Lily said.

"Yeah... He nearly died because of her," Alana said as she looked at Zelena said.

"But he didn't... I don't see that problem," Zelena said.

Alana walked up to her and Lily went to grab her as Zelena placed her hands on her stomach and Alana stopped walking, "I think I just felt it kick. You wouldn't want to rattle an expectant mother now, would you?" Zelena said.

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