16 - Smash the Mirror: Part 1

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In Ingrid's ice cave, Delilah was casting a spell to take both Calla's and Amy's magic but failed every time.

"What's going on?" Delilah asked.

"You're not strong enough," Ingrid said.

"That's a load of crap and you know it," Delilah said.

"Are you casting it wrong?" Ingrid asked.

"No, I know how to cast a spell, thank you very much," Delilah said.

At the Charming's loft, whenever Delilah tried casting the spell, both Amy and Calla glowed blue.

"This is getting annoying now... All I need is to light up light and I'm a bloody siren," Amy said.

"Well... At least you're safe..." Neal said.

"That's not the point, my whole tenses up every time and I jolt, it's a bloody piss-take," Amy said.

Elsa walked downstairs from Henry's bedroom, "How are they?" Neal asked.

"I gave him enough ice for the week. It should help with the swelling and... Calla's a little scared, of the protection spell on her, not the twins," Elsa said.

"No. How are they?" Mary Margaret said.

"Henry's upset and Calla's worried. I just wanted Henry to understand the twin's magic is tied to their emotions, like mine. The reason she hurt him is because they were trying so hard not to hurt him. It sounds very convoluted when I try to explain it now," Elsa said.

"No, no. Um... It makes perfect sense," Mary Margaret said.

Regina walked into the loft, "Where's Henry? Is he okay?" Amy flashed blue again, "What the hell was that?" Regina asked.

"Don't ask," Amy said.

"He's fine. He's upstairs. We've been trying to call you all night," David said.

"Well, I'm sorry if I don't respond to your every summons! Though I did bring that locator potion you wanted. Maybe next time, try leading with 'thank you'. Now, may I see my son, please?" Regina said as she placed the potion on the table.

Mary Margaret noticed Regina's shirt wasn't buttoned up properly, "You might want to finish buttoning your shirt first," Mary Margaret said.

"Oh. Well, I was in rush to get here," Regina said as she buttoned up her shirt properly then she walked upstairs.

"A locator potion. How does this work, exactly?" Elsa asked as she pointed to the table.

"We just pout it over anything that belonged to the twins... Something like this," David as he picked up Emma's red scarf.

Mary Margaret's phone rang and she picked it up, "It's Emma," Mary Margaret said and answered.

Neal's phone rang and he looked at it, "It's Lana," He answered, "Hey, babe," Neal said.

"Hey, Neal...D...Did Henry come home?" Alana said.

"Oh, yes, yes. No, he's fine. Lana, are you... Are you okay? Babe, talk to me," Neal said.

"Don't worry about me. It doesn't matter," Alana said.

"No, of course, it matters. Talk to me," Neal said.

"This is all gonna be over soon. I just needed to tell you that I'm okay.  W...We have a way to fix everything," Alana said.

"Lana, no, wait," Neal said and Amy looked at him.

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