29 - Enter the Dragon

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It was the same evening, Amy walked out of the Charming's family loft with David and Mary Margaret following after her. 

"Amy talk to us!" Mary Margaret yelled.

"I'm trying but none of you will listen to me!" Amy yelled as they walked out of the building onto the street.

"You can't just take Neal from Alana!" David said.

Amy turned to them, "What is so wrong with me showing my big brother where I'm from? Showing me the real me?!" Amy asked.

"The fact that you're not gonna come back," David said.

"Oh, here we go, Mr Judgy is back out!" Amy said.

"Amy, why do you want to do this? You know Alana loves Neal and he loves her, you can't expect them to be alright with you taking him away!" Mary Margaret said.

"Like you, two haven't done anything for yourselves, despite the consequences. I want to take my daughter, I want to take my husband and my brother, home... To a realm I know is protected, I want to protect my family!" Amy said.

"No, you don't want to protect them, you're just running," David said.

"Oh, yeah? And what am I running from? Who can harm me?! Who can hurt me?! Come on, tell me exactly what I'm running from!" Amy yelled.

Alana and Neal stopped walking and stood on the opposite side of the road watching them, "You're running home because you're afraid you'll revert," David said.

"I'll revert?" Amy smirked, "Oh David... I never changed," Amy said.

"Delphinia..." Mary Margaret said.

Maleficent, Cruella and Ursula stood down the street watching the scene, "Don't Delphinia me... I should've dropped you both when I was given the chance... Gone back to my roots," Amy said.

"You don't mean that," Mary Margaret said.

"Oh, I do... I wouldn't be like this if I didn't choose you! I regret that decision daily! I wish I never came to save you when you escaped Regina! Because of you two, I couldn't devote myself to saving Graham, because of you two I was divided between who I am and who you wanted me to me! I'm done being made to be something I'm not! I'm a villain and it's high time you all accepted that!" Amy yelled.

"Amy..." Mary Margaret said as she saw Neal holding Alana back when she went to walk over.

"It's Delphinia and I'm tired of playing the good little girl... I'm taking Neal, Calla and Killian to the Shadow Realm and you can't stop me," Amy said and started to walk off.

"We won't let you destroy Alana's happiness as that is what you will d-," David began to say but Amy turned and blasted them both backwards.

"Never think I give a damn about anyone but myself and I'm done with you two. Enjoy surviving against me as I'll enjoy getting rid of you both," Amy said and walked off.

Alana and Neal ran over to David and Mary Margaret, "Mom? Dad?" Alana said.

Maleficent, Ursula and Cruella glanced at each other before Maleficent made them appear in front of Amy in an alleyway, "Delphinia, dear, it's been a long time," Maleficent said.

"Maleficent felt your power... What's it like being back from the ashes, literally?" Amy said.

"Oh, darling, what happened? We thought you all chummy chums?" Cruella asked.

"Can't believe I was swayed," Amy said angrily as her eyes flashed gold and a car blew up behind them.

"Come dear," Maleficent took hold of her hand, "You look like you need a drink and we need a catch-up," Maleficent said.

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