37 - Lily

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Flashback: The Enchanted Forest, Infinite Forest

In the Infinite Forest, the Apprentice and 'Delphinia' met the sorcerer in the vault under the cottage.

"What brings you both here?" The Sorcerer asked.

"What brings you both here?" The Sorcerer asked

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"The Author... He has violated the rules. He has changed things. The Saviours... He made me channel their potential for darkness into Maleficent's child. There must be a way to undo it," The Apprentice said.

"That poor child... Two darknesses in one vessel, not good," 'Delphinia' said.

"You're not helping the situation, like normal," She shrugged, "And I'm afraid not. What's done is done, my Apprentice," The Sorcerer said.

"But what now of the girls, their fates?" The Apprentice asked.

"Remain entwined, as they always were and always shall be," The Sorcerer said.

"Of course," The Apprentice said.

"Could've told you that," 'Delphinia' said.

"Our concern now is the Author," The Sorcerer said.

"Not my area," 'Delphinia' said.

"Everything is your area, remember that, that is your punishment," The Sorcerer said and she glared at the magical flames.

"I have taken care of the Author, master. Our mistake-," The Apprentice said.

"Your mistake, don't drag me into this... I was still asleep," 'Delphinia' said.

"Our mistake has been rectified," She rolled her eyes, "He is in the book, where he can no longer alter our world... Only record what happens," The Apprentice said.

"You two must see to it there is no more damage. The Author must never be allowed to toy with fate again," The Sorcerer said.

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