28 - Unforgiven

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On the street, by David's truck, he was loading up as Mary Margaret walked up with two flashlights.

"Good. That'll do. We can get to the cavern through the mines," David said.

Emma and Alana walked up to them, "Hey! Where you guys headed?" Emma asked.

"Emma...Alana. What are you two doing here?" Mary Margaret asked.

"We found something on those women. Look," Alana said as she handed over her cellphone to show her parents a video of Cruella and Ursula leaving the shop with the wooden box.

"Looks like Belle was right. We think that's the box that's missing," Emma said.

"It's enough to drag them into the station, at least," Alana said as she pocketed her cellphone.

"Well, let's not jump the gun. We don't even know what that is," David said.

The twins looked at him confused, "Wait. What? Two hours ago, you guys were so amped up about these divas, you didn't even let us eat lunch, and now you're g-," Alana began to say.

"Going for a hike. We got Ashley to babysit Leo," Mary Margaret said.

"So... Now the crisis doesn't matter. What the hell is going on today?" Emma asked.

"Seriously, what is it? We can't keep up with you two being goddamn yoyo's," Alana said.

"Girls, your mother and I realised that we needed to take a step back from our crusade. The truth is, we've been going about this all wrong," David said.

"When we knew those women back in the Enchanted Forest, they were villains. And ever since they set foot in this town, that is exactly how we've treated them," Mary Margaret said.

"Yeah, we chose to see the worst in them. But, girls, if they're gonna have a shot at redeeming themselves, we have to choose to see the best... We can't accept Amy and Regina but no one else who wants to change, it's not right," David said.

"You guys really going on a hike?" Alana asked.

"I know it might be hard to believe that we've back off Ursula and Cruella, but Mary Margaret and I think it's the right thing to do," David said.

"Well... If you need us, we will... Be at the station," Alana said and the twins walked off.

"David, is this really the right thing to do?" Mary Margaret asked.

"It's the only way to make sure Emma and Alana don't find out the truth," David said.

"It's the only way to make sure Emma and Alana don't find out the truth," David said

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At the Mayor's Office, Pinocchio was looking at the storybook.

"Is anything coming back to you, Pinocchio? Maybe if you look at the pages again?" Emma and Alana walked in, "Where the hell have you two been?" Regina said.

"We were on witch watch. We were on the way to the station when I got your call. How's it going here?" Emma asked.

"It's not. He can't remember anything. But since you two and August spent so much time together, I thought seeing you two would... Jog his memory," Regina said.

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