7 - The Apprentice

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Flashback - A Long Time Ago...

The Apprentice was in the process of sweeping the floor when suddenly the fire on the torches went out. The Apprentice stopped what he is doing and looks up, dropped the broom on the floor and drew his sword.

"Show yourself, Dark One," The Apprentice said as he turned to the entrance.

The Dark One was walking into the vault, "You... Are not... the sorcerer," He said.

"No. I am his apprentice" He said the Dark One holding his dagger, "And you are not the first Dark One I have faced," The Apprentice said as he moved to strike the Dark One, but he disappeared and he once again went to strike.

The Dark One used his magic to throw the Apprentice back, before stepping up onto the podium and focused on a small box.

"You don't want to know what you'll unleash if you open that box," The Apprentice said.

The Dark One removed his hood and turns to face the Apprentice, it was Zoso, "Then the sorcerer should not have put his faith in someone like you," Zoso said and he turned back to the box and attempted to open it with his magic, but he was suddenly thrown back by an invisible force, and he landed a few metres away.

The Apprentice stood up again and looked down at Zoso, "Fortunately, Zoso... I am not the only thing he puts his faith in," The Apprentice said.

"An enchantment!" Zoso said angrily.

"Cast by the sorcerer himself. And no one who has succumbed to the darkness in their heart can ever break it. Now be gone," The Apprentice said as he sheathed his sword again.

Zoso knew he was defeated and he magicked himself out of the vault.

The Apprentice turned back to the box, "Every dark one has tried, but no dark one will ever possess what is in that box," The Apprentice said.

End of Flashback

In the pawnshop in the backroom, Mr Gold was standing in his shop, looking at the same box on the table in front of him. He waved his dagger over it, successfully opening it and he watched as it turned into a hat.

The front door opened and the hat reverted back into the box as Mr Gold walked into the front of the shop and saw Amy, "My dear...You look..." Mr Gold said.

"I need a favour... I honestly don't care right now, that you're lying to Belle...Well, I do...What a way to start a marriage, Papa, but I'm not here about that," Amy said.

"Go on..." Mr Gold said.

"I need the keys to the cabin," Amy said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Ingrid's in town and she's..." Amy said.

"The reason for the earthquake yesterday?" Amy looked down ashamed, "Powerful stuff you set off yesterday my dear... You need a break? From everyone... The pirate included?" Mr Gold said.

"I want Killian to come with me," Amy said.

"Ah..." Mr Gold said as he looked at her unimpressed.

"Don't look at me like that... Whether you like it or not, he's part of our family now... So, please... I'll make sure the cabin will be left as we found it," Amy said.

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