9 - Breaking Glass

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Inside the ice cave, Ingrid was using her power to make an ice person.

Meanwhile, at the Sheriff's Department, Alana, Emma and Elsa continued their research on Ingrid

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Meanwhile, at the Sheriff's Department, Alana, Emma and Elsa continued their research on Ingrid.

"Somewhere in here, there's got to be something on her," Alana said.

"There has to be a better strategy. While we're reading files, my sister is out there somewhere. We have to confront this Snow Queen," Elsa said.

"Believe me, if I could, we would. We have to find her first. And, Elsa, we have to be careful. This woman is tricky. She seems to know all of us, and we don't remember anything about her. And something tells me that, that is no accident," Alana said.

"You think she took out memories?" Elsa asked.

"We're really good with names and faces. It was our job. She took them, alright. The question is why. We need to find out what the hell she's up to," Emma said.

Killian and Neal walked in with a box each, "Paperwork, ahoy!" Killina said as they placed them on the desk.

"Old city records from the Mayor's office, per your request," Neal said.

Amy walked in with a chest, "Diaries of mine... Let's see," Amy said as she opened it and looked through then handed Killian a few small journals as her eyes glowed gold and she waved her hand over the ones in Killian's hold and a stack of paper appeared, "Everything copied, that includes the ice bitch," Amy said as she took the journals from Killian and put them back in the chest.

"Just the paper?" Neal asked.

"I'm not letting everyone know every dirty little secret I've got," Amy said.

"It's fine, thanks Amy," Alana said.

"It's okay," Amy said.

"Oi! Somebody's forgotten about me dinner! I had the bangers and mash!" Will yelled.

Alana picked up a pop-tart and bottle of water before she walked over to him, "You had the water and pop-tart," Alana said as she handed them through the bars.

Will took the bottle and notice there was a bit already taken out of the pop-tart, "Somebody's already had a nibble!" Will said as he took it.

"I've had my shots," Alana said.

"What a relief. Now, I've served me time. So when will I be free?" Will asked.

"When I say so," Alana said as she walked away.

"Well... We're off to take Henry and Calla sailing, babe, unless there's something else you want us to do here," Neal said as he placed his hands on her hips.

Alana smiled, "Make sure Henry wears his life vest, okay?" Alana said.

"And the same for Calla, she's still learning to swim, so keep an eye on her," Amy said as she pointed to Killian.

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