27 - Unforgiven

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It was 2:23 a.m., Mary Margaret was asleep in bed, she reached over to the other side of the bed for David, but he wasn't there.

"Mm. David? David?" She heard Leo crying, she got out of bed and walked over to the cot, "Leo? Hey. Ohh," She picked up her baby, "Hi, buddy. I gotcha. Hey," Mary Margaret said as she looked at him.

"What a lovely child," Maleficent said as she appeared behind her.

Mary Margaret turned around, "Stay the hell away from my son," She said.

"We're not the ones you should fear," Cruella said as she walked up and stood next to the Maleficent.

"Something far worse than us looms over his head," Ursula said as she walked up and stood on the other side of Maleficent.

"The truth of what you did to me," Maleficent said and she magically took Mary Margaret's baby.

"Please don't hurt my family," Mary Margaret said.

"When I'm finished, you won't have a family left to hurt," Maleficent said.

The clock struck 2:38 a.m. when Mary Margaret woke up from her nightmare, "David?" She looked to the side of the bed and he was gone, she got out of bed and walked over to Leo who was sleep, "Oh... David?" Mary Margaret called out again.

"Hey. I'm right here," David said and she saw him on the stairs.

Mary Margaret walked over to him, "Well, you haven't slept a wink, have you?" She said.

"No, it's hard with Ursula and Cruella just down the street," David said.

"Tell me about it. I just had the worst nightmare. You were gone. I went to check on Leo and those two surrounding him... Only... Maleficent was there, too," Mary Margaret said.

"Of course she was," David said.

"David, she said she would make us pay for what we did," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, it's a good thing she's no longer around," David said.

"The other two are. And they know. This can't be a coincidence," Mary Margaret said.

"It doesn't matter. None of that matters. All that does is that we kick them the hell out of this town before anyone else learns what we did," David said and Mary Margaret nodded.


Snow White and Prince Charming were ridding toward their castle, as they were returning from their honeymoon.

"Should I be worried you're this excited for our honeymoon to be over?" Prince Charming questioned.

"Look, the summer palace was wonderful, but it's time to face reality. The Queen is still out there. We have to figure out a way to deal with it," Snow White said.

"And we will. Whatever she throws at us, we'll find a way to overcome it," Prince Charming said.

Snow White saw one of the dwarves asleep at the door, "I thought I told the dwarves not to put Sleepy on guard duty," She said.

The Prince walked forward and saw another guard asleep, "Snow, it's not just Sleepy," Prince Charming said.

"A sleeping curse," Snow White said.

Prince Charming took out his sword, "Regina," He said.

The two walked into their castle to find everyone asleep on the ground, "Regina!" Mary Margaret yelled.

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