36 - Sympathy for the De Vil

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Alana and Emma went to Regina to find her packing her stuff for the journey to New York.

"You sure going to New York is a good idea? You don't know what Zelena has planned," Emma said.

"What if it's a trap?" Alana asked.

"Robin's in trouble, I have no choice and I need to tell him something to his face," She glanced at Emma, "He deserves that much," Regina said.

"You don't have to go alone," Emma said.

"Don't worry about me, you both have your hands full with the Author, I can handle one wicked sister," Regina said.

"Things are different in New York, without your magic... Listen, if you won't take me with you, I want you to take this. I hope you don't have to use it, but... I want you to stay safe," Emma said as she handed Regina a gun.

Regina took it and put it in her bag, "Thank you, so you're not... Angry with me for keeping your parents' secret?" Regina said.

"It's between us and them, you were just trying to help," Emma said.

"And between you two and me, I say you get over what they did and move on. They thought they were doing the right thing," Regina said.

"Regina..." Emma said.

Their phone's beep and they took out their phones, "It's Henry, video message?" Regina said.

"Must be a thing now, I got one, too," Alana said.

They all played the video and it showed Henry and Calla with Cruella in the woods.

"Mummy. Daddy," Calla said.

"Mom, mom, dad... Cruella has me and Calla, if you ever wanna see us again, you have to do what she says," Henry said.

Cruella took the phone from Henry, "Hello, darlings! As you can see, I have your dreadful son and daughter, if you prefer them to remain intact, you'll do exactly as I say. Kill the Author, then, ah, bring me his broken little body, or... your boy and girl will meet a very unhappy ending, hmm?" Cruella said.

The video ends and they all looked at each other with a worried and pissed off look on their faces.

Alana's phone rang, "It's Neal," She answered, "Did you just get a video message from Henry?" Alana asked.

"Yeah, I'm with Phinia and Hook, we're on our way to you now... You still with Regina?" Neal said.

"Yeah, I'm still with Regina, Emma's with us still," Alana said.

"Okay, Any idea where they are?" Neal said and hung up.

"None, meet us at the loft, I know who to ask," Alana said.

Back at Gold's cabin, Mr Gold walked in as Isaac was sat in a chair reading a book.

"Finally. the joy of getting lost in a good book just isn't the same. Not after it happens to you literally," Isaac said.

"Stop talking. We haven't much time, now that you and Cruella have been reunited at last," Mr Gold said.

"Cruella? No, I...I...I don't even..." Isaac said.

"Enough," Mr Gold cut him off, "You both lied to me about your past and now those lies are coming to the surface," Mr Gold said.

"I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me. I...I didn't think it was... Relevant," Isaac said.

"Oh, it's not only relevant, it is essential to my plans. Cruella is so desperate to see you dead, she just kidnapped the Saviour's son and the High Enchantress's daughter," Mr Gold said.

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