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Yeosang was staring out at the window beside him while waiting for the lecture to start. He always comes early because he would go to the library to do his assignments or revise before his next class.

He had finished his assignment early and he didn't feel like reading any books afterwards so he went straight for his class. He glanced down at his watch and there's only 20 minutes left before the class starts.

"Maybe I should get a nap." He was about to lay his head on the table when he felt someone was sitting beside him. The smell of her flowery scent perfume invaded his sense of smell. Woman. He hates it when someone sits besides him in the class, especially girls, because they will always interrupt him with their unending flirts during the lesson.

Yeosang decided to ignore the woman but she clearly won't let him do that.

"Good morning," Jiwon chirped besides him.

Yeosang ignored her.

"Would you like a coffee?" Jiwon handed him a cup of Americano that she bought earlier. She purposely bought two of them. "Well, I'll just put it here. It's still hot so you better drink it before it gets cold."

He tried to ignore her again but the smell of coffee was hard to resist when he really needed a caffeine right now. He was tired and a cup of coffee might wake up all the senses in him.

Jiwon smirked when she noticed him take the coffee that she just offered. "It's a buy one free one coffee so you don't have to thank me. I only need a cup anyway," she lied.

Yeosang didn't reply as he took a sip of the coffee. It was bitter but refreshing and awakened his tired state. His part time jobs have drained most of his energy but he had no choice. That's what kept him living. He needs to survive and so does his family.

Jiwon turned to look at Yeosang. She studied his side profile; the latter tried to ignore them but he soon felt uncomfortable by her stares.

"What do you want?" He finally spoke to her and their gazes met. Those dark orbs that were looking into her eyes still made her feel like she could be lost in them. "If you want me to pay for the coffee just say it."

Jiwon laughed. "I would have asked you to pay for the coffee before you drink it if I wanted the money."

"If that's not the case then stop staring at me. It's rude you know."

"It's you, right?"

Yeosang was silent when she asked the question. He knew what she meant and he did expect her to ask him someday but not this fast. He knew that she might suspect something from him. "So what? Are you going to tell the whole university about it?"

"Not my concern what you're doing that night." Jiwon shrugged and leaned back against the chair. "But you just confirmed my suspicion." She chuckled. While she was ogling him last night, the faint colour of lipsticks on his neck didn't go unnoticed by her.

Yeosang was getting frustrated by her dilly dallying. He soon gave up. Talking to her was draining his energy more. "Do whatever you want, I don't care."

"Even when I want to kiss you?" Jiwon suddenly leaned closer towards Yeosang, causing him to jerk backwards a bit. Their lips were dangerously close to each other. She would probably have boldly crashed her lips on his if not because some students entered the lecture hall.

Jiwon leaned away from him and chuckled. "You're interesting," she said.

Yeosang rolled his eyes at her. He heard it a lot so it didn't impress him at all. He had known her before, well, everyone knows her. He admitted that she's beautiful like everyone claimed but he has no interest in being near her. Yeosang has so many things running inside his head that he has no time to be thinking about girls.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now