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He turned around and saw Arin trotted towards him; her ponytail swayed from side to side. She was wearing a bright smile on her face as she greeted him.

"Good morning! Are you going to the university?" She purposely asked a question with an obvious answer.

Yeosang nodded and let her walk beside him. He didn't even bother to start a conversation so he let the silence blanketed them. Arin stole a glance at Yeosang and it didn't go unnoticed by him. The boy always knew when someone glanced at him and he had grown accustomed to those stares that it didn't bother him a bit, though he preferred to stay out of the spotlight.

"Do you want to study together after class?" Arin broke the silence with a question.

"I have work," he answered shortly.

She frowned but quickly masked it with a smile before he noticed. "Do you want to have lunch together then? I know a good place to eat."

"I have class during lunch hour."

Arin pouted. "Which lecture does the class during lunch hour? Poor you."

"I don't really mind." He shrugged.

She had grown frustrated by his cold demeanour but she won't give up yet. Yeosang used to be warm and friendly. She didn't know since when he had become aloof. The death of his father must have taken away all his smiles that he used to give to her. She wished that Yeosang could look at her in the eyes even for a few seconds.

"I finish my class early today. I can wait for you and we can eat together before you go to work."

Arin's smile fell when she noticed Yeosang was looking at someone in the distance. She turned her head towards the direction he was looking at and she didn't like what she saw; it was Kim Jiwon.

Arin saw her walking with a tall guy. It's not something new to Arin. Jiwon always has guys chasing her and she's the type of person who likes attention too. Everywhere she goes, she always makes herself visible to others.

What a bitch. Arin curled her lips in annoyance.

"It must be her new fling. I'm not even surprised by it," Arin said.

Yeosang didn't answer and for a fleeting moment Arin thought she could see a glint of annoyance in his eyes. She smirked. He might think she's a bitch too. You're no match for my innocent and kind Yeosang, Jiwon.


When Jiwon thought she could go through her day in peace, she was wrong. She was wrong since morning after she exited the crowded bus. Jiwon didn't know why she bothered to take that crowded bus in the first place either; she could have taken the taxi instead.

Sometimes she didn't understand herself but then again, has she ever understood herself?

She was walking from the bus stop towards the direction of her university when someone called her from behind. The voice was too familiar.

When Jiwon glanced over her shoulder, she saw the guy from last night, Yeonjun. He jogged towards her side. "I'm starting to think you're stalking me."

He laughed. "I was walking over there when I saw you. Should I say it's a coincidence?"

Jiwon scoffed. "What an unfortunate coincidence."

Yeonjun ignored her remark and asked, "Where are you going? Don't tell me you're going to that university?" He pointed at the building that could be seen from a distance.

"Are you?" she asked back and Yeonjun nodded.

"This is definitely a coincidence!"

"Stop saying it's a coincidence. I'm starting to hate that word now."

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now