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Seonghwa waited with anticipation as he watched the girl take a bite of the sandwich that he made from his new recipe. Every second felt like hours and he waited until she said something. He shifted on his seat when no words came out of her mouth after she finished chewing the last bit.

"So?" He finally asked as he grew frustrated waiting.

Jiwon tilted her head and her mouth pouted as she was thinking of a word to describe the taste.

"I'm about to die from waiting," said Seonghwa.

Jiwon's lips curled up into a smile. "You're not a man with patience."

"Not when you made me wait as if you're solving a complicated math equation. Oh come one Jiwon, was it delicious?"

"Would you like to hear the good or the bad one first?"

"Of course, the good one."

"Alright." She propped her hands on the table and interlaced her fingers. "The good one is, it's delicious, just like I expected. The sweet and spicy taste are well balanced and I like the crispness of the chicken. The sauce, well, it was awesome. I can say you did a great job in creating this recipe. And the bad one is—" she paused.

"Is?" By that time, a wide smile already decorated Seonghwa's face.

"The bad one is it's too delicious. You're going to pay for my gym fee if I get fat from eating too much of it."

Seonghwa laughed at it. "I thought it was something that bad. Well, your gym fee is on me." He winked before he left for the kitchen with a trail of laughter. Seonghwa felt like he just won an award for creating an awesome recipe; he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

Yeosang grimaced at Seonghwa when the older guy walked past him. He shook his head and took a knife before he proceeded to cut the chocolate cake. Yeosang placed the sliced cake carefully on the small plate and brought it to Jiwon.

"Enjoy your cake," he said with no expression on his face.

"So cold." Jiwon chuckled. "You should smile at your customer. Seonghwa wouldn't like that kind of attitude."

"He can't do anything about it."

"Aren't you tired of wearing the same expression every day? Don't tell me that's how you look when you fuck someone?" Jiwon made it sounds like she's making a joke when truthfully she's curious what kind of expression or how sexy he looks when he's doing those things. She had seen a lot of faces and expressions men during sex but none were able to satisfy her.

"Yes," he answered dryly, eyes were lazily looking at her.

"I bet those girls didn't satisfy you enough. You will see stars when you do it with me," she winked at Yeosang. Jiwon fumbled through her sling bag and produced her phone. "Can I have your number?" She reached out her phone towards him.

"What makes you think I will give it to you?"

"So that we can have a chat? You told me to try harder."

"Ah, I thought you could think of something better than this."

Jiwon was completely surprised by his statement and her smile fell. He was challenging her and it hurt her pride a bit. He was not wrong about it. She never asked for someone's number before but why now? Has she run out of an idea on how to seduce him? Was she that desperate to get his attention that she resorted to this idea?

Before her mind could conclude, the bell on the door jingled, signalling an incoming customer. A familiar male voice was followed after. "Jiwon!"

Both Jiwon and Yeosang turned to look at the door and saw Yeonjun was smiling brightly. He approached them but his eyes were fixed on Jiwon only. "Am I late?" he asked as he took a seat in front of her.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now