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As the seconds passed by, Jiwon could feel the barrier that she built was gradually breaking down. It was dangerous and she knew it but the girl can't seem to tear her gaze away from Yeosang; she was bewitched by his stare.

"I... I think you should leave now," she finally said. Jiwon didn't want to get used to this feeling especially having him around the house. She's scared because she didn't want the cruel reality to slap her again.

Jiwon wasn't able to make someone stay; being left alone again was unbearable for her especially when she started to care about the person. It was the biggest reason why she's scared of being emotionally attached to someone.

"Why are you so eager to have me leave? Does it bother you?" he asked with his eyes still fixed on hers.

She can't let her guard down. "Yes. It did bother me. A lot."

"You don't seem to care when other guys are sleeping next to you? Am I an exception?"

"I never sleep with them. I only do sex and then I leave. The fact that you are sleeping here bothered me a lot, if you haven't figured that out yet."

There's a glint of surprise mixed with sadness in his eyes. Jiwon was confused. Why would he be sad when he should be happy that she's pushing him away. Isn't that what he wants? But what came out of his mouth next made Jiwon feel a pang in her heart.

"Will you leave me after we have sex?"

Jiwon never cared what those guys felt after she left them without having a second thought. She only cares about herself but Yeosang's question was giving her a mixed feeling. Was she doubting herself now?

"What if we only kiss?" he threw another question.

It was unknown what had got into her when she answered, "No." The girl didn't know if that answer was for the former or latter question because her mind was clouded when she felt his lips on hers.

Her heart was racing but after a few seconds, she closed her eyes and kissed him back.

Yeosang pulled her closer and her hands instantly went up to his hard chest. He tilted his head and the girl followed suit. Jiwon let her lips apart and he took the cue to begin thrusting his tongue inside.

He deepened the kiss and it was starting to get intense. Heat rose in her cheeks as his tongue touched hers and caressed it. She felt like the time had stopped and she could only focus on how soft his lips felt against hers; how addictively he invaded all her senses. He tasted sweet, just like she expected.

Yeosang shifted his body and he was now hovering above her without breaking the kiss; one of his hands was still holding her waist while the other propped at her side. Jiwon's hands glided from his chest up towards the back of his neck, burying her fingers in his soft hair, causing him to moan in the kiss.

How he loves it when she played with his hair.

Jiwon could feel millions of butterflies invading her stomach and she didn't want the kiss to stop. He was too sweet and intoxicating for her. His lips tasted so good and she could become addicted to it easily.

She had no idea what's in his mind when he kissed her.

Yeosang tore away his lips from hers but it remained only a few millimetres away as they both tried to catch their breath. He looked at her intensely in her eyes and Jiwon could feel all her senses gradually slipping away.

She wanted more of the kiss.

So the girl did as what her heart told her to do. She pulled him down to claim his addictive lips again and her heart was going crazy when he kissed her back.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now