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Yeosang couldn't focus on his work when he spotted Taehyung sitting across Jiwon. They were talking about something that he couldn't really hear and seemed like they were engrossed in the conversion. Who is he and why did it looked to Yeosang, Jiwon had known the man for a long time?

They looked like they had a close relationship before or maybe are still – closer than when Yeosang first seen Jiwon and Yeonjun together.

As much as he wanted to approach them, he restrained himself from doing so. He can't jump into conclusion about Jiwon's relationship with the man. He could be her childhood friend. Childhood friend. Frowning, Yeosang hate to think about that possibility because from his perspective, they were too close for his liking. They even hugged each other?

Calm down, Yeosang. You should ask her later before jumping into conclusion.

"Who do you think he is?" As if to fuel his anger, Yunho asked with his eyes trained on both Jiwon and Taehyung.

"From what I observed, they don't look like they're just friend," Wooyoung suddenly interrupted. Both Yeosang and Yunho turned to look at him. "What? Do you think I wouldn't know she's your girlfriend? I have lived longer to notice about those things. It's not that hard." He shrugged.

"So what's your say?" Yunho asked.

Wooyoung brushed the tip of his chin with his slender fingers. "Well, he could be her ex or probably her old crush. It could be that they both liked each other before but never admit their feelings. I heard him talking about their similar pendant when I walked past them. Could be a best friend thing or..." Wooyoung took a quick glance at Yeosang. He knew Yeosang could guess what he meant.

Yeosang could feel that his inside was boiling with jealousy.

As if could sense his jealousy, Wooyoung added, "Chill. It's just my assumption. I didn't say she likes him now." He chuckled in amusement. Wooyoung found it funny when he first noticed their relationship. Jiwon was obviously one of the hot girls here and Yeosang looked like he doesn't give a damn about a girl despite his handsome face.

"That make sense," Yunho agreed with a nod. "He was so handsome and I would fall in love with him too if I were a girl."

"Whose side are you on?" Yeosang hissed.

"I'm on Jiwon's side." Yunho grinned and Yeosang rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Oh come on Yeosang, you can ask her later but for now, I'm going to enjoy the show. It's fun to watch."

Wooyoung snorted at Yunho's answer. He's enjoying it as much as Yunho too. Why wouldn't he when the couple always attract his attention? They're amusing to begin with and Wooyoung was not their close friends to care what will happen to their relationship. Taehyung was like an added MSG to their ongoing romantic drama. He admitted that he likes hearing gossips though he didn't judge people base on that.

"Come on, she's not that stupid to cheat in front of you. Probably that guy is just her old friend." Wooyoung tapped Yeosang's shoulder before he proceeded to take order from the incoming customer.

Yeosang rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen – he didn't want to watch Jiwon and Taehyung's interaction since it irk him.


"It's been like what – 10 years? – since we last met," Taehyung said as he rested his chin on his palm. Jiwon was 12 years old when she last met him – he was 14 years old at that time. A few months after he left the country, her grandmother died, leaving her alone in this cruel world. "How are you doing?" he asked.

Never once people ask that kind of question to her. How is she doing? Great? She guessed she's doing great now that she has Yeosang on her side. "Great?"

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now