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[TW: Mild smut scene]

Jiwon felt like the oxygen had been sucked out of her lung and her brain had stopped functioning. His stare made her legs to feel weak and his breath that was grazing her skin caused tingles all over her body.

There's only thing inside her mind right now; she wanted to kiss his lips so bad. His sweet and addictive lips that could send her to utter bliss once it touches hers. But she can't because the girl knew, once it touches hers again, she would succumb to her feelings. Like he said, there will be no way out.

"Cat got your tongue?" Yeosang smirked.

The corner of her lips curled upward into a defiant smile. "Have I told you to be careful because soon enough you will fall for me?"

Yeosang tilted his head to the side. "What should I do? I think I'm not being careful enough because right now my heart is beating like crazy. It's driving me crazy because I can't stop thinking about you. Your eyes, your lips–" His eyes roamed over her face before it stopped at her eyes again. "Everything. What have you done to me, Kim Jiwon?"

The way her name rolled out of his tongue sound so lovely. It made her lose all her sanity. Sounds funny to her because she would never imagine that a guy could make her go insane by just saying her name.

Only Kang Yeosang can do that.

"Then, don't stop thinking about me," she breathes. Her fingers thread into his soft hair and pulled him closer. "Because I'm going to take a responsibility for it. I'm not going to return your heart," she said before her lips crushed his.

Jiwon didn't care what would happen next. She needed him and she couldn't hide her own feelings anymore. It was too strong for her to fight back. At that moment, the barrier that she builds to protect her heart crumbled down with just one confession from him; even just one touch from him could shake the wall around her heart.

"You're making me hard to resist you, baby girl," he said in between the kiss.

Soon enough, they found themselves inside her house with Yeosang pinning her to the wall while devouring her lips. He pressed himself against her and his hands were now rested on her hips. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss and Jiwon moaned into the kiss, consumed with the feeling of his soft lips moving against hers.

She fumbled with the buttons of his shirt until it fully opened, exposing his sculpted chest and abs. Her hands slipped inside, feeling his skin with her fingers. Yeosang let out a whimper at the contact and it made him shivered. He nibbled on her lower lips, pulling it back playfully.

Jiwon let out a growl of excitement when his lips travelled down to her neck, biting and licking it, leaving purple marks on her skin. His hands slipped under her blouse – Jiwon didn't realise when did he threw her jacket away – and she hummed in satisfaction at the feeling of his calloused hands touching her skin. His hands had dangerously travelled up and stopped before his slender fingers could touch her bosom.

"Jiwon," Yeosang said as he looked up at her. His eyes were darkened and filled with lust.

"Yes, daddy?" Jiwon responded automatically. She didn't know where the idea came from but it slipped past her lips naturally. Her eyes were hazy and blinded with lust too.

The fact that she called him with that nickname without him asking too had him feeling like all the oxygen in the room had been cut off. His breathing was shaking and he was holding to the last sanity that he had inside him.

"I'm going to make love with you, baby girl. Is that okay with you?" he asked with a deep voice.

His voice was so sexy and Jiwon had never feel this excited to actually make love with someone and not the usual fucking she'd done with other guys – that makes it feel special. Yeosang was making her feel giddy and nervous at the same time, like a girl who was about to lose her virginity. She didn't even remember how she felt when she first lost her virginity nor did she remember with whom she did it.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now