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"Yeonjun, wake up."

Yeonjun stirred in his sleep when he heard a soft voice calling him. His bad dream vanished in a second and replaced by the throbbing in his head as he slowly opened his eyes. Confusion washed over him when he saw cream-coloured ceiling above; he realised he's not in his room.

"Hey, are you okay? You're sweating."

Yeonjun turned to his side and saw Jiwon was looking at him worriedly. "Where am I?" he asked. He can't fully remember what he did last night after he hugged Jiwon.


Yeonjun peered down to ensure that he's wearing clothes. A sigh of relief passed his lips when he saw he was fully clothed. It would be a mess if they do it again. He didn't like to complicate things.

He held his head when he felt his head throbbing as if someone was hitting it. That's when he realised his forehead was sweating.

"Is your head hurt?" Jiwon asked as she took a seat at the edge of the bed. "You passed out last night and I had to carry you inside," she explained.

"Sorry about that. I drank too much I guess."

"Yeah, you better be sorry because you're damn heavy. Thankfully there's a guest room downstairs." Jiwon rolled her eyes. She raised her hand to touch his forehead. "You're not sick but you're sweating. Did you have a bad dream last night?"

"Sort of," he answered shortly. "Sorry about last night."

"That's fine. I can't just leave you outside."

"Not about that," he paused. "I shouldn't hug you – no – I shouldn't come here in the first place." He rubbed his forehead, trying to ease the headache. He didn't know what had gotten into him last night.

There's a pin drop of silence when he said that. Jiwon admitted that it was a bit uncomfortable when he suddenly hugged her but it was tugging her heart when she heard him sobbing. How can she refuse it when Yeonjun needed a comfort? The least she can do is give him a comforting hug.

Jiwon gave him a small smile. "That's the least I can do." Her voice was low and almost like a whisper but it didn't go unheard by Yeonjun as he slowly averted his gaze at her.

Quickly, she stood up and changed the topic. "Do you need a painkiller?"

He nodded slowly and Jiwon went outside the room to get him the medicine. She stopped in the middle and took a deep breath. Honestly, his gaze at that time made her heart beat faster. The glint in his eyes were the same as when he confessed to her.

Jiwon glanced up at the wall clock. They're going to be late for their morning class. "I'll just skip today's class."


Yeosang was writing on his notebook as he waited for the class to start. The lad was trying to distract himself from last night's event. It had been camping inside his mind and it annoyed him. He hated it when he started to doubt Jiwon.

"Stop thinking, Yeosang!" he mumbled to himself.

Raking his fingers through his hair, he leaned back on the chair and sigh. The lecture hall was still empty since he purposely came very early with a plan to revise some topic. He thought it would be enough to distract himself since it always did but it was a fruitless attempt.

How can he when it reminded him of the day he accidentally heard Yeonjun confessed to Jiwon? He was there, standing behind a wall and listening to their conversation.

"He likes her. I knew that guy likes Jiwon." He was so pissed that day. Yeosang decided not to continue listening the moment Yeonjun said he likes Jiwon. It pissed him off.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now