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Jiwon looked at the food that was served on the table. There's a few side dishes and a pot of Kimchi soup. It's not much but more than what Jiwon usually eats in the morning; she always opts for cereal or toast.

"Come and have a seat, Jiwon," Yeosang's mother, Mrs. Kang gestured for Jiwon to sit.

It was awkward for her as it had been long since she ate breakfast with someone. Her parents were always busy and they were rarely at home; she could count with her fingers how many times she saw them coming back home. If they did, they only came to grab some clean clothes before they head out again to only God knows where.

A few days ago, they did come back home and Jiwon thought maybe she could have a short conversation with them though she didn't expect much from the elders. But she was proved wrong when she thought they would at least say something nice after long period of not seeing their daughter. She shouldn't expect anything from them at all. Her parents still resented her for not following their lead - they wanted her to venture into the medical field like them. It was just her way of rebelling when she took on a different course.

Jiwon gingerly took a seat in front of Yeosang and scratched the back of her head when Mrs. Kang served her a bowl of warm rice.

"You should eat more. You look so thin," said Mrs. Kang. "I'm sorry that I didn't prepare much."

"No, that's fine. This is more than enough," Jiwon gave her a small smile. Mrs. Kang reminded Jiwon of her late grandmother who used to take care of her when she was a kid. Sadly, she passed away a few years later and Jiwon cried for days. This was why she hates feeling attached to someone because at the end they will leave her and she couldn't bear the loss.

Yeosang watched Jiwon awkwardly thanking his mother. Somehow it amused him because she looked different from the Kim Jiwon she usually portrays - arrogant and confident. Right now, she looked like a shy and awkward girl.

He blinked and looked away when Jiwon noticed that he was staring at her. "Uh, we don't know what you like but this is all we have." Yeosang cleared his throat.

Mrs. Kang chuckled silently at his reaction. She reached for the rolled egg and put it on Jiwon's rice. "Here, have this. Yeosang and Yesul always love rolled eggs. I hope you will like it too." She smiled warmly at Jiwon.

Jiwon thanked her again and put the rolled egg inside her mouth. She was surprised at how delicious it tasted.

"Do you like it?" Mrs. Kang asked and Jiwon nodded. "Yeosang never brings a friend home."

Jiwon stopped chewing. This information was new to her. She thought that his friends at the cafe would stop by here sometimes. So Arin never came here. She smiled secretly as she celebrated her small victory.

"That's because she's drunk and sleeping at the bus station," Yeosang nonchalantly said.

Mrs. Kang chuckled. "You are always welcome to come here again."


"Oh shush! You shouldn't say that to your friend!" Mrs. Kang slapped his shoulder.

"She's not-" Yeosang gave up. "Whatever." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry my son can be a bit blunt sometimes. He shouldn't say something hurtful to a kind girl like you. If he did it again, just tell me and I'll give him a lesson."

"Kind my ass," Yeosang muttered which didn't go unheard by Jiwon. She stuck her tongue at him while Mrs. Kang was busy cutting the apple. He rolled his eyes at Jiwon.


Jiwon just finished took a quick shower and she examined the dress that Mrs. Kang had prepared for her - it belonged to Yesul. Mrs. Kang said she didn't know what style she liked so she had asked Yesul to pick something before she left for school.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now