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The walk back home was quiet as Jiwon leaned her cheek on Yeosang's back with her hands wrapped around his neck. She had insisted Yeosang to put her down when he carried her bridal style at first. After much arguments, Jiwon gave up and let Yeosang piggy back her instead.

His body was so warm and feels like she's home; so comfortable that she could fall asleep right then and there. Jiwon hates that she likes it too much that she didn't want to let it go. Even Yeosang's scent became her favourite now. Is it wrong of her to like those feelings that she felt?

A smile traced on her lips and she closed her eyes. Even if this was just a dream, she wished she didn't wake up from it. Jiwon wished time would stop so that she could feel and enjoy this moment a bit longer. A moment that might never come again, just like that one time kiss that they shared together.

How she longed for the taste of his lips again.

"We're here," Yeosang said, bringing Jiwon back to her reality.

She sighed inwardly and was about to ask Yeosang to put her down but he cut her.

"Give me your key."

Jiwon arched her brows. "Are you coming in?"

"I don't think you know how to treat your swollen ankle."

Jiwon was about to say something in reply but Yeosang cut her again. "Don't ask me too many questions."

After struggling to find her key and open the door, they were finally inside the house. Yeosang placed her gently on the sofa and went straight towards the kitchen. He came back with a first aid kit and a pack of frozen peas that he had bought when he came before.

Without saying anything, Yeosang took her ankle and put it on his lap. Jiwon wanted to complain but as soon as Yeosang placed the pack on her ankle, she winced a bit. "Stay still," he said. His eyes fixed on the bruise.

Jiwon gave up and let him do all the work. She stared at the crown of his head as he kept her ankle still while pressing the cold pack on the bruise.

"Why did you stubbornly walk with this swollen ankle. It could have gotten worse." Yeosang glanced up at Jiwon.

"Why did you follow me?"

Yeosang stayed quiet and began wrapping her ankle carefully with the bandage. Jiwon bit her lower lips and she unconsciously moved her hand to touch his hair. Their eyes met as Yeosang glanced up to look at her.

"You didn't have to do this. You could just leave me," she said with a soft tone.

"You kept on invading my space," he replied.

Jiwon chuckled. "Did it work? Because you're starting to become soft." She could feel her chest warming up when Yeosang gentle gaze searching her face. "Be careful. I'm a charmer and soon you will fall for me," she whispered and smirked at him.

The girl ran her fingers through his strands but he quickly tore his gaze away and looked at her ankle again before she touches his cheek. He finished his job in silence as if he didn't pay attention to what she said before.

"It's done," he said. "Make sure to keep your feet elevate to reduce the swell." He stood on his feet and reached for his bag.

Jiwon let out a small laugh as she was amused by him. He's Kang Yeosang after all – always play hard to get. She propped her hands on the sofa and slowly she tried to stand up but fall back on the sofa. "Fuck," she muttered a curse.

"Where are you going?" Yeosang asked when he saw her trying to get up.

"You don't expect me to sit here all day long, aren't you? I'm going to get a drink and..." she paused when her stomach rumbled. "Well, get something to eat?"

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now