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Jiwon was doodling on the paper while her head rested on a hand. Sometimes she would yawn. The girl had lost count on how many hours she and Yeosang had spent on doing the work together; her brain was about to explode from doing too much thinking. This was probably the longest she had spent on studying and she was surprised with her own dedication.

They were sitting on the floor in Yeosang's living room. It was not as big as Jiwon's living room, probably as big as her room, but it is cosy enough for a small family to live. There's only one old sofa and a coffee table - they were currently using the table to do their work - and a small television. It is an open living room where it connects directly to the small kitchen.

Was it all worth sitting here doing the project just to spend some time with Yeosang?

Resting her head on the table, she turned towards Yeosang's direction. He didn't even bother to give her attention. When he did, it was only to talk about the boring project. "I give up. Can we stop doing work now? Let's fuck maybe?"

Yeosang snapped his eyes at her. "You know we just got started right? We wasted too much time on arguing about the first question."

Jiwon rolled her eyes. "We have a lot of time to finish this. It's not like I care about my grade." Even when she didn't care, she still got good grades which made him wonder how she was able to do so. Is she a genius?

Yeosang sighed. "Fine. Let's get some rest."

Jiwon instantly lifted her head from the table and grinned. "Should we do something fun?"

Yeosang narrowed his eyes at her. "Not that kind of fun but if you want, I'm in for it." She leaned her face closer and smirked.

He didn't budge and his gaze fell on her. He had seen her face this close before - when they met at the hotel - but he didn't bother to study the feature of her face at that time. Now that he did, Yeosang realised that Jiwon has long lashes that complimented her almond-shaped eyes. Her natural shape lips were tinted pink. Her long luscious hair that was let loose past her shoulders had emphasized her oval-shaped face. Jiwon is the perfect definition of beautiful.

When Yeosang didn't give her a response, she backed away. "Fine if you didn't want it. I'll just-"

"You definitely gave up easily." A soft voice on her ears startled her. Everything was so fast and she didn't realise when Yeosang had leaned closer towards her. His hands were barely touching her as it rested on the sofa beside her; he had trapped her in between his hands.

Jiwon turned around and looked at Yeosang. His dark orbs were staring directly into her eyes. She gulped and her lips felt suddenly dry. His eyes were captivating and it was hard for her to look away. Yeosang was the most attractive man she had ever seen and he smells nice too - he had a sandalwood scent yet there was a hint of peony and rose. Was it the smell of his shower gel mixed with his perfume? If she remembered it correctly, the last time that she stayed a night at his house, she saw a shower gel with a rose scent in their bathroom. It suits him; soft yet sexy smell.

"Who said I already gave up?"

His lips pulled into a smirk and Jiwon thought that looked sexy. "Good. Because if you did then you're disappointing me with the lack of effort you had put," he continued. His hot breath was grazing her skin and it sent shivers down her spine.

"You could say so if you're jealous." She tried to act cocky. Is he playing? He was avoiding me before and then he does this? His sudden action was honestly confusing her.

Jiwon was not one to lose easily. If he's trying to play a game then she will definitely show him she will not be easily defeated by his charm.

"Jealous?" His smirk grew wider and the way his eyes was staring was making her shift uncomfortably.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now