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Jiwon took out her bright red lipstick from her purse and applied it on her plump lips before she felt a hand snaking around her waist. She rolled her eyes and pushed the hand away.

"What's the rush baby? Let's get some sleep. You must be tired," the man whispered into her ears.

Jiwon cringed at his words. "I don't sleep with any man. I only do sex. That's it. Go and find other girls if you need cuddles," she replied coldly and clamped her lips together so that the lipstick would smear evenly. She stored the lipstick back into her purse and turned around to face the half naked man - he was wearing his boxer.

"I'm leaving. Thanks for your-" Jiwon wanted to say not-so-great-sex but she thought that will cause the man to want to keep on talking to her and prove that he's good in bed. "Well, thanks?" She smiled and left the room without even looking back at the dumbfounded man.

Her heels clacking on the marbled floor as she made her way towards the lavishly looking lift. Her lustrous black and long hair swayed as she walked with her head held up.

Kim Jiwon, known as one of the most beautiful women in her university. Some would call her the charmer; everywhere she goes, men will turn their head to look at her. She has that kind of aura that could attract the male species.

Her beauty, confidence, and sexy body were what women always envy about. Some of them were trying to get on her good side so that they could get her popularity too. Not that she cares because she too sometimes will use them for her own purpose.

Jiwon never got attached to people because she knew they would leave her someday once they found her useless. Why would she sign up for that trouble? She never really cares about people nor does she care about what they think.

"What a waste of time." She ran her slender fingers through her hair as she walked out of the lift. She never seriously dated any of those guys; she went out to eat with them, have a one night stand and cut her ties with them. She never do sex twice with a same man because they will get clingy and she hates it.

People would think she already did it with all the male species in the university or maybe Seoul - they were wrong. Not every man that she go out with end with a sex; sometimes she just want a company to have a lunch with. Since they willingly throw themselves at her, she thought why not use the chance.

Jiwon's phone buzzed and she took it out from her bag when suddenly someone bumped into her. She almost fell due to her 3 inches heels but the person was quick to grab her arm before she could embarrassingly fall in front of him.

Her eyes snapped towards the person who bumped into her. One word that played inside her mind: he's ethereal. The way his dark orbs stared straight into her brown one, it felt like she's looking at a starry night. Her perfectly shaped nose and lips - she wondered if those lips will taste sweet when moulded with hers. Then it travelled down towards his neck and exposed collarbones.

Jiwon didn't realise she had been staring at the guy until he released her arm and she quickly steadied herself. Her cheeks were tinted with pink since she was embarrassed by her act earlier; she hoped he didn't notice how her eyes had been studying his face like he's some sort of experiment.

For some reason, his face felt familiar but she couldn't remember where she had seen him before or who he was. Before she could utter any word, the guy left without looking back at her.

Jiwon just watched him leave as she didn't have any important business to talk to him about. She shrugged and pushed those thoughts behind her mind.


"Where have you been?" A young blonde woman pouted at Yeosang when he approached her and took a seat at the barstool.

"I went to take a call. Sorry for making you wait too long." Yeosang smiled at her.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now