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"What's the matter?" Yeosang asked when he noticed Jiwon was spacing out. He bent down so that they were at eye level and snapped his fingers in front of her. "Earth to Jiwon."

Jiwon blinked her eyes at Yeosang. "Sorry, did you say something just now? I think I'm a bit tired today. You are done with the photoshoot right?" she asked as her eyes looked around the changing room to find that only left her and Yeosang; the other staffs already went out of the room.

Today was Yeosang's first photoshoot with Taehyung's team and Jiwon came to give her a support since it was his first time modelling. It was a photoshoot for a clothing brand.

"I even done changing clothes. Are you okay?" Yeosang sat down besides Jiwon on the sofa and put his palm on her forehead. "You seem to be fine. Is there anything that bothered you?"

Jiwon let out a small smile. How can she tell her own boyfriend that her only friend confessed to her and she didn't know what to do about his confession? In fact, she still feels bad about it.

Jiwon didn't say anything in response that day as she was still trying to sink in the confession he just made inside her head. Before her brain could process any words, Yeonjun had cut her to it.

"You don't have to answer me. I don't need anything in return and please don't feel guilty about it. My feelings will go away soon. I just need some time," Yeonjun said with a meek smile etched on his face.

"I...I..." Jiwon looked up at him but soon when their eyes met, words seemed to stuck inside her throat. It hurts her to see his expression – he's trying his best to hide the pain with that pretense smile and she could see it in his eyes. "Yeonjun, I'm..."

"No. Don't say you're sorry because that will make me feel bad. I told you don't feel guilty about it, didn't I?" He held both her shoulders and smiled wider. "We're still friend and I won't leave you. I promise."

She could feel her eyes glistened with tears but she blinked the tears away. She didn't know what she had done to deserve his kindness. Crying will make him feel bad about it. Her lips curled up into a smile and she nodded. "We're still friend and thank you for staying with me, Yeonjun."

"You're spacing out again," Yeosang said, snapping Jiwon out of her trance. He cupped both her cheeks so that she was looking at him in the eyes. "Are you not going to tell me what's been bothering you?"

Jiwon removed his hands that were holding her cheek and pulled Yeosang into a hug. She buried her face in his shoulder and sighed. "Can we stay like this for a while?" She took in his scent and closed her eyes, feeling the warmness from his body. I'm sorry but I couldn't tell you. I don't want to ruin our relationship.

She didn't know if she's doing the right thing but for now, she decided it's best to keep it a secret. Things will get more complicated if Yeosang finds out about it. Jiwon didn't want to ruin the relationship that she has with both of them.

"Okay." Yeosang hugged her back and caressed her hair gently. "You can tell me when you're ready." Because I trust you will. He smiled at her.

"Guys! Should we...." Taehyung slammed the door opened and his jaw hung low when he saw the couple was hugging. Jiwon quickly pushed Yeosang away and cleared her throat. "Right. I should knock the door. My mistake." Taehyung snickered.

" you need anything, Tae?" Jiwon stammered and she was blushing.

Yeosang rolled his eyes. "Are you not going to give me a cute nickname too?" He folded his hands and pouted at Jiwon.

"Why should I?"

"Because your cousin has a nickname but your boyfriend doesn't have any," he emphasised.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now