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Jiwon's eyes slowly fluttered open when she heard noises coming from downstairs. A loud crash that followed instantly jolted her body up into a sitting position, ready to jump out of the bed when a damp towel fell onto her lap.

She frowned. "Did I put this on my forehead?" The sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs made her eyes widened and she frantically looked for an object that could protect herself. The room was too dark for her to find anything useful; the only source of light was from her bedside lamp.

Jiwon didn't think much and grabbed the lamp before she stood up and facing towards the door. The girl gulped when the sound of footsteps was becoming clearer and whoever was outside stopped in front of her room.

She gripped the lamp tighter when the doorknob was twisted before the person pushed the door open. "Don't come near or I'll hit you with this!" she shouted.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw it was Yeosang who was standing at her door with a tray of food in his hands.

"Jiwon? You're awake! How are you feeling?" he asked as he switched on the light of her room. The guy stepped closer and placed the tray on the bedside table.

"What the hell is this? Why are you here?" Jiwon's eyes fixed on him. Tears stung her eyes but she quickly blinked it away. She had a whirlwind of emotions right now. Why is he here?

Yeosang walked closer to her and put his hand on his forehead. His action froze her on spot while her heart was pounded against her ribcage. "You still have fever. I bought you medicine. You should eat them after you have your meal."

"What are you doing here?" Jiwon pushed his hand away and stepped backward.

"You didn't come to uni for a few days and everyone was worried about you."

"Worry? What a joke," she scoffed and her eyes snapped at him. "But that doesn't justify your presence here. Are you trying to act like you care now?"

Yeosang heaved a sigh. "Can't you just accept someone's kind help?"

"I don't need your help nor did I need anyone's help. Now, leave at this instant!" She folded her hands across her chest. Jiwon hates it when people pity her because that makes her life much more pitiful than it already was.

"I won't until I make sure you're doing fine. At least until you finish eating your meal and take your medicine."

"I said leave me alone!" She marched forwards and tried to push him out of the room but Yeosang was much stronger.

He grabbed both her arms and the girl looked up at him. His face softened when their eyes met. "Please, Jiwon, just accept my help this time." His tone was laced with gentleness and Jiwon almost melted by it; her name rolled off his tongue sweetly. His deep yet soft stare was making her legs felt weak.

She quickly looked down at the floor before she lost in those stares. "I hate you. Why are you doing this? Why don't you just ignore and leave me alone? Wouldn't that make your life better? You are making me—" she trailed off. You are making me want you more.

And she never felt that way before nor did she imagine having those feelings inside her.

Yeosang parted his lips to say something but Jiwon cut him to it. "Don't you dare to feel sorry for me. I don't need those pity and I hate it." Her eyes then landed on one of his fingers that looked like it was cut by a knife.

Heaving a sigh, she looked at his cut finger. "Did you cook the food yourself?"

"Yeah. Well, I rarely cook and I accidentally cut my finger. It's okay. Just a small cut." He pulled his hand away and quickly went to grab the tray. "I can't guarantee the taste but you don't have to worry, it's edible."

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now