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Turning around, she was surprised to see Yeosang was approaching her with a wide smile plastered on his face. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. I thought you are working today?" Jiwon replied. She didn't expect Yeosang to be here at this hour. Is he not working today?

"I got off early and was about to find Yesul a present for her birthday. Are you here alone?"

"Huh?" She just remembered that she was here with Yeonjun. She looked around to see if Yeonjun was around but he was nowhere to be seen. Where the hell is he?

As much as Jiwon felt guilty, she was somehow hoping Yeonjun didn't come back here right now. There will be a lot of explanation need to be done if Yeosang find out they were together. From what she observed, it seemed to her Yeosang didn't favour Yeonjun that much just like how she is to Arin.

Jiwon didn't want Yeosang to misunderstand her especially when she's not good at explaining herself. They were just a month into the relationship and Jiwon was a novice when it come to this. She didn't want to hurt Yeosang's feeling nor did she want to hurt Yeonjun too.

Both of them are special to her in a different way.

Rubbing the back of her neck, Jiwon tried to find a way to tell Yeosang why she's here. Will he buy it if she tells him she's with a friend without telling who's that friend is? After all, she's not lying about that friend part. Yeonjun is indeed her friend – her one and only friend.

But she can't just ditch him right now.

Just when Jiwon was about to open her mouth to answer, her phone beeped, signalling an incoming text. She unlocked her phone and checked the text.

'I'm so sorry but something urgent came up so I need to go. I'll treat you to lunch next time.'


"Is there something wrong?" Yeosang asked when he saw Jiwon frowned a bit after she read the message.

"Nothing. I was with my friend just now but she has to go due to an urgent matter," Jiwon quickly replied with a smile though inside she felt guilty for lying. As long as it can save her from any misunderstanding, it's going to be fine, right? She didn't want to risk losing Yeosang when she already fell hard for him.

"Then, do you want to come to my house for dinner? I don't have any work tonight." Ever since he's with Jiwon, he had reduced his escort job to only drinking and not sex. Although Jiwon is fine with it since he's doing it to help his family, Yeosang still find it hard to do; he felt like he's cheating on Jiwon while having a sex with another woman. Luckily most of his clients were fine with it since he's a good listener anyway. They enjoyed talking to him over a drink.

"That sounds great!" Jiwon always love Yeosang's mother dishes and thinking about it was making her excited.

Yeosang leaned downward and whispered, "My mom and sister are not going to be home tonight. We will have our own private time." He smirked and Jiwon slapped his shoulder. He laughed as he leaned backward to look at her blushing face. "So cute." Yeosang pinched her cheeks.

"Shut up and let's go home and eat." Jiwon slapped his hands and pouted when Yeosang couldn't stop laughing at her. "I'll get my revenge on you soon."

"Oh that sounds interesting," he teased. "Wait for me, baby." Jiwon had left him and walked first since she was so embarrassed with her reddened face – she blushed easily whenever Yeosang was around and her heart will skip a beat.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now