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It was Monday and Jiwon came to the class early today. Her last weekend was spent with drinking the expensive liquor that her parents had kept while staring at the small garden inside her house compound; she didn't even bother to go out. There's nothing interesting inside the garden either, only green grasses that stretched out in front of her. It used to have beautiful flowers when her late grandmother was still alive – she loved gardening. After she passed away, everything wilted and her parents had ordered someone to throw it away since they claimed it became a sore in the eye.

When she arrived the lecture hall, she was expecting to see Yeosang sitting alone while staring out at the window but someone else was there instead. It was the person that she wished was not the first person she encounters that day – Arin.

The girl looked up at Jiwon from where she was sitting and smirked, as if she knew that Jiwon was expecting to see Yeosang instead. Jiwon rolled her eyes and continued walking up to the back of the hall; she didn't feel like entertaining any of her sarcasm today.

As Jiwon was walking past Arin, the latter intentionally stretched her leg out and tripped Jiwon. She stifled a laugh when the girl fell on her knee – almost fell flat on her face but she was quick to prop her hands on the floor before it happens.

"What the fuck was that!" Jiwon hissed.

"Oops! Sorry. I was trying to stretch my leg out since I got a cramp from sitting too long, didn't see you there," she said while feigning an apologetic expression.

Jiwon scoffed and she stood up but she could feel a sharp paint on her left ankle. The girl winced a bit when she adjusted her body to stand up. She snapped her head at Arin and stepped closer. "Really?" She put her hands on the table and lean closer.

A smirk left her lips as she yanked Arin's hair so that the girl was facing her. "Can you see me clearly now?"

Arin yelped as she felt like her hair was about to rip out of her scalp. "Let me go, you bitch!"

"What if I don't want to?" Jiwon gripped her hair harder and tears filled the brim of Arin's eyes as she could feel the pain on her scalp. "You seem to have a problem with your sight. I guess by doing this it could help since I heard that the back part of our brain is connected to the optic nerve. Does it work? Can you see me better now?"

Arin tried to remove Jiwon's hand but the latter only pulled her hair harder. "You bi–" she paused; as if a switch was flicked, her expression changed into the most innocent façade she could portray. "Jiwon, it hurts!" Her voice was laced with weakness and a pitch higher than before.

Jiwon turned to the direction where Arin was looking at. There, she saw a group of students who just entered the hall. They were all looking at her and Arin and some of them were whispering something inaudible but Jiwon could see the glint in their eyes – they were disgusted by her action.

One of them stepped in and pulled Jiwon's hand away from Arin's hair. "Hey, you're hurting her!" The girl with a curly hair said.

Jiwon chuckled. "Are you her minion?"

"What?" The girl was annoyed. She was about to slap Jiwon but stopped when she heard Yeosang's stern voice.

"That's enough!"

Jiwon looked at Yeosang who was walking towards them. His stone face was hard for her to decipher. He looked back at Jiwon before his attention was shifted to Arin who suddenly clung on his arm.

"Sangie!" She pouted and made herself looked pitiful to him. "I'm sorry if I had done anything wrong to you, Jiwon," Arin said in a plead tone; loud enough for the others who just came in to hear.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now