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Drinking alcohol was not something that he truly enjoys but today, it felt like drinking was his soulmate. It felt so good that his problems seemed to vanish from his head.

Dishevelling his hair, Yeosang took another sip of his alcoholic drink. He turned his face to the side and smiled. "I never imagine that one day I would ask you to become my drinking buddy," he said to one of his regular clients, Somi.

Somi snorted. "I never imagine you would actually drink this much and still not drunk? Who are you, Kang Yeosang?"

Yeosang chuckled. "You surely missed a lot about me."

"Hmm," she hummed. "Who's this girl that made you drink more than 3 glasses of alcohol tonight?"

He tilted his head. "Someone that I love so much that it hurts right here." He patted his chest and heaved a sigh.

"She must be so special."

"Indeed but I don't know if she thinks the same about me."

"Why is that?"

He shrugged and took another sip of his drink. "I don't know. You're a woman yourself. You must understand very well how woman think." Placing his glass on the bar, he casted his glance at Somi again and rested his cheek on his palm.

"You seriously asking me?"

Yeosang nodded.

Somi chuckled and leaned forward. She caressed his cheek and stared into his eyes. "Honey, you need to ask her yourself. You can't get the answer from me because we women are more complicated than you think."

She leaned away before crossing one of her long legs on top of the other. "But I get a gist this girlfriend of yours must be popular with men. Is that why you're feeling anxious? Some guy must be making you feeling doubtful about her feelings for you."

Yeosang was amazed at how she's nailing it right. Was it evident on his face that he's doubting his own girlfriend?

She laughed. "I hit the right button, did I?" When Yeosang didn't respond, she confirmed herself that it was true. How amuse she felt right now that the Kang Yeosang she knew was jealous of other men. As long as she knew him, he was always good at masking his true feelings but today, he's wearing it on his sleeves. It made her curious as to who changed him into someone different.

"If she's cheating then why don't you do it the same? Life is too short to stay with one person only, don't you think?" Somi smirked as her hands travelled to his thigh and she's leaning closer towards him again.

Yeosang remained still. "She's not cheating," he denied.

"But a part of you think she did. Am I wrong? You're doubting her right now." She snickered and her lips were already dangerously near his.

Her words kept on repeating inside his head. Somi was right about him. He's indeed doubting Jiwon no matter how much he tried to deny it. Yeonjun and Jiwon were too close in the beginning for his liking. It didn't help that Jiwon used to do sex with men freely before so what makes her not want to do it with Yeonjun?

Yeosang was so lost in thoughts. Somi took the opportunity to puzzle their lips together. "Somi." He pushed her gently. "Don't."

"Just kissing, no?" She pouted.


Somi rolled her eyes. "Fine. Fine." She turned around and took a sip of her drink.

"I'm going to the washroom." Yeosang didn't wait for her reply and headed towards the male washroom. While he was walking, he spotted a familiar figure. Squinting his eyes to get a better view of that person, his mouth soon gaped in shock.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now