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"You come again," Seonghwa beamed at Jiwon as she entered the cafe.

"Yeosang almost killed me for coming here again."

"Can't you put her under the blacklist customer list?" Yeosang rolled his eyes and went straight towards the staff room to change his clothes.

Seonghwa laughed. "Would you like the same coffee and sandwich you ordered last time?"

"That would be nice," Jiwon paid for the food and went to take a seat at the same spot. She propped her head on a hand as she waited for her coffee and sandwich to be ready. There were not many people today and the cafe was quiet which she liked.

"Have I told you yet you look unusually pretty today?" Yunho appeared with her drink. He smiled when Jiwon looked up at him.

She chuckled and thanked him. "Are you flirting with me right now?"

"Half?" he replied and they both peal into laughter. "No, I'm serious, you look pretty today. Actually, you are always pretty," he said in between the laughter.

"You're making my heart flutter."

"Am I?"

A loud thud on the table startled both Jiwon and Yunho. Yeosang came with her sandwich and he slammed the plate down a little bit too hard. Luckily it didn't crack or else Seonghwa would lecture him. "Your sandwich is ready," he said coldly and left as if he didn't just almost give them a heart attack.

"Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" Yunho watched as Yeosang retreated to the small kitchen behind.

"I don't know if he slept on the bed last night." Jiwon suddenly wondered where he slept last night because she's sleeping on his bed. It was quite small for two people to fit in unless they were hugging each other but Jiwon thought that was impossible knowing how Yeosang treat her. Probably he slept on the sofa.

"What do you mean?" Yunho asked.

"Uh, I mean-" she paused as she tried to make a plausible reason for it. "He's in a bad mood, isn't he? Probably he slept somewhere not comfortable like a sofa." Jiwon laughed nervously, hoping that he would buy it and he surprisingly did.

Yunho nodded before he went towards the counter when a customer entered the cafe. Jiwon continued eating her sandwich with delight. She likes this cafe. It made her feel comfortable and she could spend her time doing nothing here. Maybe I should come often.


Jiwon laid on her bed after she finished showering. It was another boring and lonely day at home. She got nothing today and no one to talk too. The room was dimly lit as she only switched on her bed lamp.

The darkness. It felt like she's a part of it. Like she was born to only live with the darkness.

She tried to close her eyes and get to sleep but after a few minutes she's still wide awake. "I hate this." She hates being awake at night because sometimes it will make her feel lonely, like she's not needed and abandoned.

Jiwon rolled towards the side of her bed and reached out for her phone. She scrolled down the numbers in her call log, neither having a name attached to it. Her chest tightened as she didn't know whom she was looking for. She didn't save any of the numbers because it's not like she's going to contact them again.

She stopped at an unknown number, closed her eyes and took a sharp intake of breath before she pressed the call button.

"Hello, Jiwon?"

Great, out of all people, it is Johnny's number. Well fuck it, I'm bored.

"Hey, are you free right now?"

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now