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"I already arrived Korea. You don't have to worry about me and focus on your study, okay? I'll send your regards to mom." Yeosang said as he held his phone besides his ear.

His blonde hair had reached his shoulder, making him look softer yet still mature. His black shirt was topped with his black leather jacket and tight black jeans with a pair of Timberland boots.

Once he stepped out of the airport, Yeosang inhaled the air. It feels good to be back on his homeland although he came here only for work; he will head back to New York once his work is done.

Yeosang hailed a taxi on the side walk and told the driver his destination. It had been long since he visited his mother. He stared outside the window at the tall buildings as he passed by them. They had built more buildings and the city looked busier than before he left.

Yeosang paid the driver and strolled towards inside the crematorium building. It was still early in the morning and not many people come to visit their beloved one.

"It's been long since I visit you, mom," he smiled as he placed the flower that he had bought earlier besides their family picture. It was the only family picture they had before she died. "Yesul is doing fine with her study. She can't come here because she's going to have her final soon. Can you believe it that she's about to graduate university?"

"I wish you and dad can come to her graduation ceremony. You guys will watch her, right?" he traced the photo. "Don't worry about us. I'll take care of Yesul. I hope both of you are happy over there too."

Sighing, he turned on his heels and left the building. He glanced at his watch and thought that he could roam around the city today since his schedule will start tomorrow.

"I wonder how she's doing."


The memories that once hurt him came to his mind as he walked along his neighbourhood. Yeosang can almost see himself standing while watching Jiwon cried. His first heartbreak after he found out the truth about his father's death.

But despite that, there's also a lot of good memories happened here. Jiwon loves to visit his house. They always walked hand in hand on this street while talking about random topics. He smiled as the bittersweet memories felt like yesterday.

The image of her smiling sweetly at him would never be erased from his memories. Regret? He did regret making the decision but there's nothing he could do to turn back the time. But if they were still together that day, will they still be happy now?

He heaved a sigh and continued walking along the street until his feet brought him towards the café that also brought a lot of memories. It was still there; nothing changed.

Yeosang stood outside and watched his old friends, Yunho and Mingi were bickering inside. It was still early and there's no customer yet. He chuckled and lightly shook his head. Although they have grown old, they're still like a 5-year-old kid fighting each other.

"Kang Yeosang?"

His smile faltered when he heard a soft voice calling him. Slowly, he turned his head to the side; his eyes locked with someone. It's like in a movie and someone paused the scene but everyone else around him can still move on and continued their lives.

Her beauty eyes never fades and it never fails to amaze him. Her hair was cut above her shoulder and she was wearing a white plain midi dress. She's not as skinny as before but voluptuous. There she is before his eyes.

"I was surprised to see you here." She smiled for the first time after years that she hadn't see him.

His eyes were locked on hers, like memorising every bit of her face. His lips twitched into a smile. "Me too."

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now