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No, you can't do this Yeosang.

Just when his lips were only an inch apart from hers, the guy stopped. Something inside him was stopping Yeosang from succumbing to his desire.

Yeosang pulled away, as well as his hand that was on her cheek. Jiwon almost whined at the loss of contact but she held it and quickly looked away; her cheeks were heated from embarrassment. Her heart was still pounding hard against her ribcage due to the impact earlier.

He hadn't kissed her yet but the tingles that she felt when he touched his cheek was driving her crazy. His breath that was fanning her skin when his lips were only an inch away from hers sent shivers down her spine.

She had never felt this way before; not with any guy that she had kissed.

"We...we should go back now. It's getting late." Yeosang cleared his throat.

"Ye...yeah. It's getting late." Jiwon nervously packed away her books and papers that were scattered on the table. While in the process, she accidentally dropped her pens and cursing inwardly at her clumsiness.

Jiwon bent on her knees to pick up the pens just as the same time when Yeosang bent on his knees to pick it up for her; their hands touched. She retracted her hand quickly and let Yeosang pick up the pens for her.

Yeosang stood on his knees and placed it on the table. "I'll walk you home."

"That's fine. I can go home by myself," she refused and continued on packing her belongings inside her bag. No matter how she felt towards him, the girl didn't want him to see her house. She hates it. Jiwon didn't want Yeosang to pity her.

"It's dangerous for a woman to be walking back home alone late at night."

"What makes you think you're not a threat to me?"

Her bluntness astounded him.

Jiwon sighed. "Look, I'm going to be fine. You don't have to worry. Who knows I might willingly want to fuck a random guy that suddenly come at me."

"Why are you being like this?"

"Like what?"

Yeosang ran his fingers through his hair frustratedly. He really couldn't understand this girl. "Aren't you eager to seduce me? Why are you pushing me away now?"

"Aren't you the one who did that just now?" Jiwon scoffed.

He knitted his brows.

"You look like you wanted to kiss me but then you suddenly pulled away. Am I that repulsive to you?" Jiwon snapped her eyes at him. She was not hurt by that almost-kiss-incident at first but his question was making her hackle's rise. He was the one who kept on pushing her away but why did he make like it's the other way round.

Was he making fun of me?

Even if he did, why did she feel hurt at the thought of it? It's not like she never plays with anyone's feelings before. There were times when guys begged on their knees to be with her but never did she reciprocate their feelings. She cut her ties with them after she's done with her business.

Her question had rendered him speechless.

Jiwon took the chance to storm out of the cafe, not minding the rain that was starting to pour heavily. Even when she got drenched, she didn't care. That would make it easier for her to hide the tears that were threatening to fall on her cheek.

She couldn't understand her feelings right now but at the same time she was afraid to know the reason. What if she started to fall in love with him?

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now