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"Let's buy this." Jiwon grabbed the milk bread and deposited it into the cart. "I want that too." She pointed at the yogurt that she saw from where she's standing. Like a little kid, she skipped towards the yogurt and grabbed a few tubs of it.

"Are you going to eat all of it?" asked Yeosang as he pushed the cart towards her.

"There's 4 flavours and I don't know which one is delicious – I bet all of it delicious – so I'm going to take all of it," she chirped.

Yeosang chuckled and shook his head. He thought that Jiwon looked cute when she was excited about something. They have been dating for 2 weeks now and his love for her was increasing each day. There's more side of her that he didn't think she would possess; he loves every bit of her.

"We're going to buy groceries for my mom and we haven's pick any of it yet," said Yeosang.

"Right. I almost forget about those." She was too excited with all the foods at the supermarket that she forgot their main purpose of coming there. It had been a long time since Jiwon went to buy groceries – the only groceries shopping that she remembered was with her late grandmother which was years ago. She almost forgets how exciting it can be when you done it with someone you love.

"Are you that excited to buy groceries?" He peered over her shoulder to look at what was she concentrating at – the girl was browsing the probiotic drink with her lips pursing. She was mumbling about which one she wants to buy.

Yeosang moved his face further and kissed the corner of her lips. She gasped and turned around to face him. "You are disturbing me! I forgot which one I had decided to buy!" She pouted further which led him to have the urge to kiss her and he did as what his mind told – he peck her lips.

"What should I do? You're just too cute." He giggled.

Jiwon rolled her eyes at him. "You should go and find everything in your mom's list, mister. Let me choose my food in peace," Jiwon whined and pushed him away from her. No matter how tempting his lips was, the choice of foods that was displayed in front of her were much more tempting right now. She loves food more than sex even though she never shows it. Isn't that a fact for most people?

" choose food over me." Yeosang folded his arms and pretended to be sad, hoping that she will give him an attention. To his dismay, she was too focused on making decisions that she didn't give any ounce of attention at him. "I guess food is more tempting." He gave up.



Yeosang turned to look over his shoulder when he heard Arin called him. She jogged towards his direction with a wide smile plastered on her face. "Are you shopping for groceries too?" she asked when she saw him holding a pack of carrots.

"Yeah," he answered shortly and resumed with browsing the vegetables section.

"Great! I was looking for something to cook for lunch too! Should we have a lunch together?"

"I'm afraid I have to refuse."

She pouted. "It will be boring to eat by myself. Can I come to your house? It's been long since I saw your mother. Yesul must have grown into a beautiful girl now." She never been to his house since he moved out from the big house. The girl wanted to grab this chance and visit his new house; at the same time build a close relationship with his family.

"Oh, you must be planning to cook chicken," She stepped closer and peeked at his cart. Unbeknownst to her, Jiwon was staring at her from behind. The former scoffed, earning attention from both Yeosang and Arin.

Without hesitation, she threw an empty cup that she was holding in her hand – a salesgirl gave her probiotic drink tester earlier – and it hit right at Arin's head. The latter yelped and glared at whoever that threw the cup at her. Her anger risen when she found out the preparator was Jiwon.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now