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[TW: mild smut scene]

"Excuse me?" The girl with chestnut hair waved at Yeosang, snapping him out of his daze. "Are you taking our order or not?" she asked arrogantly but at the same time, she couldn't help to discreetly checking him out.

Yeosang cleared his throat and put on the best smile he could. "Sorry for just now. What would you like to order?" His smile almost dazzled the girl but she tried to keep her face straight; she can't let her sugar daddy on her side notice.

"I would like strawberry smoothies," she answered.

Yeosang nodded and tapped in her order. "How about you sir?" He looked up at the old guy beside the girl and Yeosang almost threw a disgusting look at him. He recognised the man from the photo that he saw at Jiwon's house. Yes, he is no other than Jiwon's father.

"Americano please," the older man replied before he took out his black credit card.

Jiwon definitely resembled him, from the way they can give a cold stare that send shivers down your spine and the confident aura they exude.

Yeosang could tell from the look that the chestnut hair girl must be his young girlfriend from the way she clung on his arm like her life depended on it. She looked the same age as him which also means the same age as his daughter. The girl was wearing designer clothes from head to toe. Yeosang assumed Jiwon's father bought it for her because she didn't look like she came from a rich family; he dealt with a lot of rich clients so he could tell which is a rich daughter from one look.

He clenched his fist when he saw how Jiwon's father looked at the girl beside him and called her baby. Jiwon's sad face replayed in his mind. The girl was scared of being left alone but she tried to act strong. Yeosang thought Jiwon must be utterly disappointed if she found out her father was treating another girl who might be the same age as her with much care while she was left alone to tend to herself.

Yeosang handed the card back to Jiwon's father after he completed the order in the system. "Thank you for ordering," he said with a pretense smile plastered on his face.

The older man didn't say anything and proceeded to the waiting counter with the girl sticking to his side like a gum — she didn't miss a chance to give Yeosang a final glance. The girl later took a mental note to come to the cafe again after she saw the other 3 workers; of course, without her sugar daddy.

Yeosang heaved a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. He suddenly felt tired from thinking too much and to his surprise, his mind was occupied by Jiwon. Even right now, he was wondering if she had eaten her lunch.

"It was dinner time now," he muttered as he glanced at the wall clock. Yeosang had filled some groceries in her fridge yesterday but now he doubted she would cook. The kitchen looked as if no one ever came in for more than 5 minutes. If he didn't find Jiwon upstairs, he thought he had come to a showroom instead.

I need to stop thinking about her for God's sake. He went to the kitchen and thought he could do something to stray his thoughts away from her.

Just as he stepped into the kitchen, his phone buzzed and Yeosang checked the incoming message; his client requested him tonight. He bit his inner cheek as he gave the request a thought. The pay was quite high and on top of it, it can be a good distraction to focus on someone. He swiped the chat open and agreed to the request.

The guy was desperate for a distraction; never in his life could a girl occupy his mind for almost an entire day. Jiwon was the first girl who broke the record.


Jiwon gasped and grabbed Yeonjun's hair when the guy sucked on the spot above her collarbone. His hand roamed on the side of her naked body as he continued to attack her neck, leaving another purple mark there.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now