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Conratulations! You have reached the end of The Charmer!

If you read until this chapter, I want to thank all of you for supporting my story. I hope you enjoys it until the end. I knew the ending was a bit unexpected but that's life huh? The person that we thought is our love of life turns out to be wrong. 

Sometimes, we made reckless decision which we will regret later. That's what I wanted to show through Yeosang's character. But at the same time, I wanted to make you understand too that some people find hard to digest the reality that was thrown to them. Hence, why Yeosang found it hard to accept Jiwon after he found out who's her father was. 

In other words, it's not easy to just shrug off the bitter fact and live without it. Especially when your life went hell because of it. Some people might find someone to shift the blame on but in Yeosang's case, he's trying his best not to put the blame on Jiwon. Him moving to the State was the only way he could think of. It was reckless, yes, but everyone make mistakes in their life, don't we? I hope you guys don't blame Yeosang too much. He's having his hard time too :') 

Some of you might not like how Yeonjun was treated but hey, he got his girl at the end ;) I had put some hints in the previous chapters about how Yeonjun has a special spot in Jiwon's heart. It was a roller coaster of emotions for them too but at the end, they found each other. We never knew what future holds for us. They said that we will always find our way back to our soulmate :) 

Their love story might not really shown in this story but Jiwon never treated Yeonjun as her rebound. Her heart - without realising - always find her way back to Yeonjun. If some of you noticed, she always find Yeonjun was comforting. When he's hurt, her heart break too. The special spot that she thought was to be just friend was actually her true love. 

Yeosang was her first love but Yeonjun was her last and true love. She just took some time to realise it and I'm sorry if i explained it too short in the story :'D This is Yeosang's fanfiction so i had to explain more about him and Jiwon's love life journey. I don't want it turn into Yeonjun's fanfiction XD

I hope all of you will find your true love soon. Thanks again for supporting my story. I apologise for any error or if there's discrepancies in the story. Your comments and votes are my biggest motivation to continue this story. I'll improve again in my next story.

Looking forward to meet you guys again ;)

                                                                                                                                                    -Love, dazzlingbyeol-

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