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Jiwon clamped her lips together to make sure that her lipstick smeared evenly. The guy who she barely knows his name just ruined her perfectly applied lipstick. "Why can't guys kiss without ruining my lipstick," she complained as she craned her neck to have a better look at the small hickey that she just covered with a concealer.

"Well, at least he's not a bad kisser."

A sigh left her lips when she remembered how Yeosang was looking at her when a guy was kissing her hungrily. What was that smirk for? Again, she couldn't see through what he was feeling for her.

Jiwon was actually giving him reasons to push her away. She wanted to go back to the old Jiwon that she used to be – not giving a damn about feelings. Jiwon was scared if she kept on accepting Yeosang's presence, she would want him more that she should. Even now, she didn't think she can push him away, thus the reason why she wanted him to push her away instead.

Knowing herself, she always hurt the people around her because she's always scared of people leaving her alone. She will push them away first before they did to her so that she won't get hurt.

But Yeosang was different.

No matter how much she wanted to push him away, she always found herself coming back to him.

It didn't help when he's always there when she truly needs someone besides her. His presence was enough to make her heart feel full and that scares her a lot.

What if he leaves her when she has fully surrendered her feelings to him?

What if it hurts more than the pain that she felt before?

Jiwon shook the thoughts off her mind. "You're Kim Jiwon and Kim Jiwon never give a damn about feelings."

She stored her lipstick away and stepped out of the ladies' restroom. The guy that she had a kiss with a moment ago was leaning against the wall besides the restroom. His eyes lit up when he saw Jiwon and he pushed himself away from the wall.

"Should we continue at a more private place." A mischievous smirk was gracing his face as he reached out his hand to touch Jiwon's face.

She swatted his hand away. "I'm done with you. You can find someone to do it with."

"Come on, princess. We can have fun all night."

"No one can call her princess besides me." Yeonjun suddenly appeared from behind Jiwon and wrapped his arms around her shoulder. A wide grin was gracing his face as he pulled Jiwon closer to his side.

"Who are you?" The guy asked. He was obviously irritated by Yeonjun's sudden appearance.

"Me? I'm her close friend – a very close friend," he emphasised with a smirk. "Besides, my princess and I have a date today."

Jiwon looked up at Yeonjun and knitted her brows in confusion. Not in any of her memories that she has a date with him today. What date was he talking about?

Yeonjun looked at Jiwon and gave her a wink. He tore his gaze back towards the guy and his smile disappeared. "If you can excuse us, we're leaving," he said before he pulled Jiwon along with her, leaving the guy dumbfounded.

"Excuse me? Did we make an appointment?" Jiwon shot him a question while they were walking towards the parking lot. His hand was still around her shoulder.

"Don't tell me you forget about the dinner that we're supposed to have today?"

"Dinner?" She tilted her head as she tried to think if she had any arrangement for dinner tonight. "Ah, it slipped from my mind for a while but now I remember that dinner." Her mother had texted her saying that she will be having a dinner with Yeonjun's aunt tonight and that she needs to come as well.

THE CHARMER // KANG YEOSANGWhere stories live. Discover now