request- woman!readerXsteverogers, during the fight of New York, Y/N finds a baby amongst the rubble and the Avengers take in the baby and raise it as their own.
warnings- dead parents, some angst, language, burns
words- 4902
You fly into a building head first, crashing in through a window. The building creaks and shakes as it begins to breakdown and collapse. "Tony! Scan the building for heat signatures, it's about to collapse!" you shout as you hold your hands out in front of you and break the big block of cement blocking your way from the staircase with your elemental powers.
"Two levels down from you seems like a kid, make it quick, " says Tony, and you break through the door, you smooth out the cement stairs and slide down them till you reach the level with the child. You kick through the wooden door and follow the sounds of wails and screams. You find the small infant in the crib, abandoned. You cradle it in your arms and freeze when you see the live wire hanging from the ceiling touch the blue flame on the gas stove.
"Ah fuck, " you hold two fingers out and pull the flash of flame from the air and out the cracked window, holding the child close to your chest. You can feel the building creak and tip to the side, you jump out of the building and fly a fair distance away, it was too late to save the building and too heavy for you. You float down to the ground, right next to Steve. "Hey Cap, I found a baby, "you say and pant. There are dust and dirt staining the small face, you pull some of the sweat off of Steve's face and pull out the salt to clean off the dirt.
"That's disgusting, " he says and you scoff, "It's creative, " you say and drop the water on the broken asphalt. The baby settles in your arms, "So, what do we do with the kid?" you ask, and Steve shrugs, "Take it to an orphanage or call Child Protective Services. The parents either died in the building or put their needs before the child."
You nod and look up at the black hole in the sky. You look around and call over Thor, he lands in front of you. "Hey, I need your cape, " you say and he freezes, "Pardon me?"
"I need your cape!" you say and he nods and knocks an incoming alien with his hammer and you pull off his cape and tie it around you and the baby. "Alright, thanks!" you say and fly off. You pull the moisture out of the air and whip the aliens off the sky gliders. You stand on one and it was easy to get up close to aliens and knock them off to their death or injury. You look down to check at the baby, but they seem to be asleep with deep breaths.
You watch in awe as you see Tony soar up into the black hole. You shout at Tony and you are just about to fly up and pull his dumb ass back down. But the air would be this up there and it's already a dumb idea to be flying around, fighting with an infant strapped to your chest. Your heart thumps out of your chest as you watch Tony now fall from the sky. You fly up and try to pull on his foot to soften his foot, but you got spun out of control and you had to let go to hold onto the child.
You watch Hulk jump up and grab Tony and put him on the ground. You glide down and land next to Natasha. She looks at the baby strapped to your chest, "Where did you get that from? Is it even alive?" she asks and you nod. "Yeah, Steve says we gotta' take it to an orphanage or find the guardian that is supposed to take the baby."
"It's cute. Is it a boy or a girl?" Natasha asks, and you shrug, "I dunno', I'll ask them later, " you say and poke the baby's nose.
You sit with Steve, the baby in your arms. Tony in front of you scrolling through his computer and the baby's fingerprints being scanned. You asked Tony to look for the child's parents and guardians so you didn't have to go through the legal and proper process of looking for them.

AVENGERS ONESHOTS (requests are closed)
FanfictionThis book will consist of a collection of one-shots, drabbles, preferences and what not, of the Avengers. Tony Stark (Robert Downey jr.) Steve Roger (Chris Evans) Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) Thor Odinson (Chris Hemswort...