Request- Wanda is struggling with PTSD, and the team helps with cope.
Warnings- talks of PTSD, angst, throw up
Words- 3929
"Wanda, I can't help you unless you let me in."
Wanda looks away from the swaying pendulum of the grandfather clock in the corner of Dr. Ryzkrutski's room. She clears her throat and looks at the woman sitting in front of her with a notepad in hand, her thin-framed glasses sliding down her nose. She was one of the psychiatrists at the Avengers Compound.
Almost everyone went to her. Bucky has been one of her more frequent patients, going to her to talk about nightmares and anxiety most of the time. She was friendly, once you got past her intimidating last name. She wore her hair curled in a high ponytail, she was light make up on her face. She spoke with softness in her voice and assured you with gentle green eyes. Wanda looked at the smile painted over her face. She wasn't very old, she was only thirty or so.
Wanda cleared her throat. Dr. Ryzkrutski was right, she had to talk about it to get some help. "I saw him again, " Wanda says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Your brother, Pietro?" the doctor asks and Wanda nods as she continues, "Yes, it wasn't bad in the beginning. It was just me and him playing in the woods back in Sokovia. We were climbing up trees and playing in the dirt and leaves. It was peaceful, but, there was a gunshot, and I look behind me and Pietro is . . .," Wanda stops talking and bites her lip, attempting to cease the tears of falling.
Dr. Ryzkrutski nods and jots it down in her notepad. "I see, so these are recurring dreams. Where is it peaceful and then turns bad, yes?" she asks and Wanda nods. "Has anything changed in your schedule? Are you getting enough sleep and eating well?" the doctor asks and Wanda nods, "The work schedule. There has been a lot of missions, so I only get a few hours a night, but I still eat three or four times a day, " Wanda says.
"I'll talk to Fury to see if he can ease you off the missions. I'm seeing something similar in a few other patients. The influx of missions is causing some peoples nightmares and stress levels to rise, " she says and jots down notes on the paper, "How about your medicine? Have you been taking it? Has it worked?"
Wanda shrugs, "Lately I haven't been sleeping well or enough, but the medicine worked before all of the missions." Dr. Ryzkrutski nodded, "Okay, I want you to up the dose. Instead of taking one of your tablets, take two, we'll see how that works. If it doesn't come back to me and we can sort a few things out, "
Wanda nods and plays with the loose bracelets on her wrists. Dr. Ryzkrutski takes note of her fidgeting. "Is there anything else you want to talk about?" she asks and Wanda is silent for a few moments. Ryzkrutski can see Wanda work up the courage to speak. "Remember, don't be afraid to tell me. I'm here to help you, Wanda, " she says and Wanda sighs. "I had an anxiety attack a few days ago, "
Ryzkrutski furrows her brows, "Do you know what caused it?" she asks and Wanda thinks back to a few days ago.
Wanda followed Bruce into the lab, he needed help lifting something heavy, and although he was plenty strong to do it himself. His arm was stick recovering from the snap. It was three crates with a ton of Tony's old equipment that was broken or rusted. The lab had lost its energy after Tony's death. Bruce had thought about maybe cleaning up a bit would help with the mood.
"So, can you just pick it up and put it in that open closet in the corner of the lab?" Bruce asks and Wanda nods. She looks at the three crates stacked on top of each other and holds her two hands out, the red streaks of her powers surrounding the crates and being lifted off the marble, tile floor.

AVENGERS ONESHOTS (requests are closed)
FanfictionThis book will consist of a collection of one-shots, drabbles, preferences and what not, of the Avengers. Tony Stark (Robert Downey jr.) Steve Roger (Chris Evans) Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) Thor Odinson (Chris Hemswort...