The Red Room ~ Natasha Romanoff

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Request- Fem!ReaderxNatasha, the reader and Natasha trained in the Red Room together and years later when she was on a mission, Natasha runs into the Reader.


Warnings- language, sad Natasha 

Words- 4554


"AGAIN!" Madame B commanded as she looked at the red-headed teenager as she fell to the ground below you. 

You hated these training sessions, these moments when Madame B took the excelling students and put them through rigorous and cruel obstacles. Hand-to-hand combat, marksman training with firearms, explosives, and knives, gymnastics and free-running; that was in the morning. Spy and espionage training, camouflage, psychology; in the afternoon.

You watched at Natalia, tired and hurting, rise to her feet and put her hands back up in the defensive position. You never wanted to hurt Natalia, she was your secretive friend. Friendships were prohibited in the Red Room. But, you two made it work.

You both know that if you went easy on one another, Madame B would notice and you would both be punished severely. Natalia kicked her foot up, swiftly, and the top of her foot struck your face. You hunched over as an extreme pounding took over your senses. 

Natalia then jumps up and wraps her legs around your neck along; the momentum pulled you to the cold, dusty mat. She squeezed her legs around your airways and you begin to she double. The ability to breathe becomes very difficult. You take a glance towards Madame B.

She stood straight and tall, like the commander she is. But, something was different. She was smiling, well, no, not smiling, grinning. An evil grin, but it also showed pride as she observed Natalia. She nodded and gave ordered Natalia to finish the fight.

Soon, your vision went blank.


Natasha sprung from her sleep as she had another flashback to the Red Room. They weren't uncommon. They were very common, almost every night. But, this one was different. This time, you were there. 

She missed you, you were one of her very first friends. She hated that damn room. The room where you and Natasha had to train, restlessly. Having to throw punches and runs over obstacles even when you barely had any breath left in your body.

Natasha meant to go back for you. But, she never did and that weight lives on her shoulders all day, every day. It haunts her. 

Natasha ran her fingers through her hair and tugged on the locks from the roots. A heavy sigh leaves her mouth as she realizes that it's very very early in the morning. She rises from her bed, she doesn't know where she is really going. Just wandering around aimlessly, maybe she'll go see Bucky. She usually goes to him when she has nightmares about the Red Room. They both share that experience.

She finds herself in the kitchen, she opens the fridge and nothing catches her eye as appetizing. She quietly closes the refrigerator and shuffles some more. She finds herself outside, the chilled night breeze causing goosebumps over her fair skin. It's a clear night, every single star shone brightly, you could even see the satellites zoom across the darkness.  


You and Natalia always did this.

At exactly 2 am in the morning, you would take the picks that you hid on the inside of the pillow and sneak out onto the roof of the Red Room. Avoiding the watchtowers and hiding in the shadows from the guards with deadly weapons.

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