Request- part two of "Disliked" where Peter actually gets a piercing.
Warnings- language, a gay relationship so if you find that uncomfortable then please move on
Words- 5331 (super carried away)
Peter looked in the mirror in his boyfriend's room and frowns as he rubbed the sides of his face. You look up from your textbook as you tried to study for a test you had the next day. Peter was supposed to be helping you study, but, he was too busy looking at himself in the mirror.
Your brows knit together. "What's wrong, babe?" you ask and get up from your desk chair, walking over to him and wrapping your arms around his muscular torso. "I think I need a change, " he says as he wraps an arm around you as well.
"What kind of change?" you ask and look in the mirror with him. "A physical change. Maybe like different clothes or something." he says and you smile, "Well, I have plenty of clothes, " you say, "All very different from your t-shirt and jeans." you smile with him.
You let go of him and head over to your closet and pull out an old leather jacket. You hold it up to him and crane your head to the side. You smile and hand it to him. "Try it on," you say and Peter smiles as he slips the jacket over his shoulders. "It looks good on you. This will be your first step into your physical change."
Peter smiles and hugs you, "Thank you, now let's get back to studying for your chemistry test."
You whine and pull him closer. "We can study later, you look too good." you tease and reach up, he was slightly taller than you. He smiles but tries to pull away. "But, the test," he mutters against lips. "Shhhhh, " you whisper and push him back toward the bed.
The dismissal bells ring throughout Midtown Tech, Peter grabs his textbook and notebook for his AP Calculus class and walks down locked 406, where you waited for him every day. You lean against your locker, your eyes glued to the blue light of your phone, a soft smile pasted on your lips as you chuckled at what was probably a meme.
Peter snuck up next to you easily due to your distraction. "Hey there," he says in chirpy tone, you jump with a small gasp but then smile when you realize it's just him. "You startled me, " you say and slip your phone back into your front pocket. Peter smiles, "Sorry, "
You can feel him awkwardly try to reach for your hand. You chuckle at his shyness and unconfidence. "Peter, we've been together for over seven months, you don't have to be so shy around me, " you say and grab his hand, lacing your fingers with his. His hands were so different compared to yours. Yours were soft and a little dry with graphite stains from your sketch pencils. Peter's were rough and calloused with scars. You wondered what would happen to him during missions when he would have to go to Europe or Russia.
You would always ask how the mission went. He would always say good. But, sometimes he would try to hide a limp, or tense up when he sat down. He would try to mute his hiss went someone touched him in a sore spot. You would always be able to see where he would cover a bruise with makeup. You never tried to press because you knew he wasn't allowed to talk about it, but it didn't stop you from worrying.
"Um, Mr. Stark offered us a ride to the compound. He should be waiting out front, " Peter says and you smile at him, "Okay cool, I wanted to ask Steve a question. I have to write an essay on the Howling Commandoes" you say and Peter nods, "You should also ask Bucky, " he says as he holds the front doors of the school open for you.

AVENGERS ONESHOTS (requests are closed)
FanfictionThis book will consist of a collection of one-shots, drabbles, preferences and what not, of the Avengers. Tony Stark (Robert Downey jr.) Steve Roger (Chris Evans) Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) Thor Odinson (Chris Hemswort...