Request- part two of "Sword Excalibur", where the reader is adjusting to life at SHIELD.
Warnings- blood & gore, language, sexual assault, talks of murder
Words- 4219
You walked down the hallways of SHIELD, a red-haired woman named Natasha guides you showing you every room and area. You try to strut with confidence, but the beating organ inside your chest is pounding at a thousand miles an hour. You look into each room and see everyone in a similar uniform.
They all wear something very similar. A black long-sleeved top and black pants. Leather combat boots with an earpiece wrapped around the shell of their ear. There are firearms strapped to their hips. The men had their hair cropped short and women who had long hair pinned it back into a tight bun. They all looked at you as you walked past and peeked in. Some leaned over to their coworkers and whispered something that you were unable to hear.
You bite your lip and keep your head down. Natasha sees your nervousness and smiles, "Don't be too nervous, you were on our hitlist, they're just surprised that you're walked in a SHIELD uniform, " she says and points with her eyes to the SHIELD logo on your shoulder. You smile and carry on.
"This is the SHIElD training room, but, I think you would enjoy the Avenger's one a bit more. It was built for people with abilities, " she says and smiles softly again. She walks over to a conference room, "This is where we brief and debrief our missions and assignments. Sometimes, you'll be solo, and sometimes you'll be working in a group. But, this is the room when you're being assigned to a task, " she says and you nod.
The room is large, a big table with chairs on wheels lining it. At the front of the table there is a big screen, currently turned off. Then a podium with loose papers on it. The room was completely soundproof and you could only see out of it to protect the confidentiality of a mission. Natasha guides you to the breakrooms and the communications area. Storage files and armory. She introduced you to Clint, the man with an impressive bow.
He shook hands with you and smiled like he wasn't after you a few weeks ago. "So, Fury told me that you're staying with the Avengers. Have you already gotten your tour there?" Natasha asks and you shake your head, "Mr. Rogers was supposed to tour me there tomorrow afternoon, " you say and look at your wristwatch. Natasha nods, "Well, I'll leave you to it. I have to go, you have my contact, you know where to find me, " she says and disappears down the hallway.
You nod and walk down the hallways and into the breakroom. Your lips are dry and you feel thirsty. You pay for water and a bottle comes out of the machine. You smile and take a few swigs. The sound of the door closing and slamming shut startles you. You turn around and see a group of agents.
They seem to be trainees, fresh out of high school. Two girls and three guys stand in a triangle formation in front of you. You furrow your brows and ask, "May I help you?" you ask and who appears to be the ring leader of the little posse speaks up. "How did you already get yourself as an operations agent at SHIELD and the Avengers? You've barely been here for a month. Who did you pay?"
You widen your eyes and your eyebrows raise to your hairline. "I paid no one. I was offered the opportunity, " you say, honestly. The girl next to the ring leader snorts, "Yeah right. You can tell me, did you suck off Cap't for the position? Be honest." You roll your eyes, God, she sounds like a bitch, you thought to yourself. You shake your head, "I didn't pay or sleep with anyone. I was offered the position. Seriously, leave the posse at high school, " you say and try to walk past them out the door.

AVENGERS ONESHOTS (requests are closed)
FanfictionThis book will consist of a collection of one-shots, drabbles, preferences and what not, of the Avengers. Tony Stark (Robert Downey jr.) Steve Roger (Chris Evans) Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) Thor Odinson (Chris Hemswort...