Prompt: Tony finally decides to get them teeth pulled
Warnings: Language
Words: 1765
"Babe, I still think this is completely unnecessary, " Tony complains as he squirms in the passenger seat. "I've been living with the small ache for like years. Just give me some Advil and I'll be fine, "
It surprised you when you found out Tony's fear of the dentist. You laughed at first and you still laugh at it.
"Tony Stark! Iron-Man! Avenger! Is afraid of the dentist!" You laugh as you make a turn onto the road where the dentist was located.
"I am not!" Tony argues with a growl. You quirk an eyebrow, "I needed Thor and Steve's help to get you in the car. You were a literal five-year-old. Actually no, I think a five-year-old would be better than you!"
"Babe!" Tony screams like a child when we pull into the parking lot. "Oh Tony, quit being a child and get your wisdom teeth removed!" You order and he crosses his arms, not moving.
"Fine, " you huff and get out of the car, marching over to his side. You open his door and threaten, "If you don't get out, then I will drag you out,
"Tony laughs, "Like to see you try because I'm not going in, "
You grab his ear and pull. He screeches and whines at the pain.
"Okay. Okay! Ow. Ow. Ow. Stop! Y/N! Ow!" He whines as you drag him into the dentist office.
"Hello, I'm here for Tony Stark's dentist appointment, " you greet with politeness as you grip your boyfriend's wrist because he tried to escape.
The receptionist smiles at Tony's childish behavior. "Don't worry hon, you'll be just fine, " she says in a thick Brooklyn accent.
"You hear that Tony. You'll be just fine, " you tease as he grumbles and falls in a chair. You sigh as you sit next to him, chuckling lightly seeing him play with a kids toy.
You kiss his temple and whisper in his ear, "I know you don't want to do this, but you have to. So thank you for cooperating with me, "
He turns his head to look at you. His kisses you briefly and then the nurse calls you in.
"So, the surgery will be done in about an hour an a half. You are welcome to wait in the waiting room. Or leave and come back to pick him up, " she explains while Tony sits uncomfortably in the chair.
You nod as the dentist leaves the room to prep. "Okay, this is gonna go by super quick, " you say and thread your fingers through his dark brown hair.
He sighs and grips the arms of the chair. "Babe, I'm scared, " he whispers, "Why?" You ask with a chuckle, "Because I'm gonna be asleep while she's removing my teeth. What if they mess up? Or hit a vein? Or artery? What if they get the wrong tooth?" Tony lists the thing that could go wrong.
You let out a breath of laughter and kiss him. "Tony, these are professionals. They know exactly what they're doing. Wisdom teeth removals are commonly done with no error. You'll be just fine, " you reassure him. He huffs and looks up.
"I love you, " he says and you smile a give him a small kiss. "I love you too, "
The dentist walks in and snaps on some gloves. "Now Mr. Stark if it makes you feel better you can have your partner in here for the anesthetic part, but after that, you will have to leave for about an hour, " she says and sits on a stool, sliding on glasses with lights and a face mask.

AVENGERS ONESHOTS (requests are closed)
FanfictionThis book will consist of a collection of one-shots, drabbles, preferences and what not, of the Avengers. Tony Stark (Robert Downey jr.) Steve Roger (Chris Evans) Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) Thor Odinson (Chris Hemswort...