So, when will I be an Uncle~ Scarletfrost

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Request- So Wanda and Loki are hanging out and Thor walks in and says "Yay! When's the wedding?" and "When will I be an uncle?" ScarletWitch10

Words- 2025

Warnings- None actually


The Sun was just setting in New York. Wanda decided to get snuggled in her pajamas and sit down on the couch watching Netflix and would only get up for snacks and the bathroom.

She settled for one of Thor's oversized shirts that she took when it got mixed up in the wash and yoga pants. She shuffled into the kitchen and was taken by surprise when she sees an unfamiliar face standing by Thor. He was dressed in green and black, he had a similar royal-like style as Thor.

"Ah, Lady Maximoff!" Thor's voice boomed and she smiled, "I don't believe you've met my brother, Loki, "

"Pleasure, " Loki greets with a slight head bow as he kissed Wanda's hand. Although she has heard of his name many times before, she knows of his crime or trickery, but she feels calm and safe around him. "Hello Loki, I'm Wanda, " she says and Loki grins, "So, I've heard, "

His voice held depth to it, maybe even a little gravelly. His accent twisted his words; it intrigued Wanda. She stood there in awkward silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Thor cleared his throat, "He is here on Odin's orders, he has been forbidden of her powers. It's his punishment, " Thor clasps his large hand on Loki's shoulder, "Isn't that right, Loki?"

Loki smiles, it's almost challenging, "Yes, " he turns to you, "Odin never liked my pranks, "

Thor scoffed, "Well have fun pranking with no powers, "


Wanda woke up to shuffling outside her room. The clock on her bedside table read five o'clock; she rubbed her eyes and slowly got out of the warm comforts of her bed to investigate. She creaked open the door, her hands up and ready for an attack.

She peeked out into the dimly lit hallway and saw a tall man with long, dark hair. It can't be Bucky, he's on a mission in Russia. She peeked out again and saw the side profile of Loki. She said in relief to see it wasn't an enemy. 

"Loki?" she called, he was standing on a step stool at Thor's door with a bucket on the door. "What are you doing?" she asks and Loki chuckles, "I may not have my powers, but that won't stop me from messing with Thor, " he says as he steadied the bucket.

"Loki, no, " she scolded him, "That's not nice, " 

Loki rolls his eyes, "Oh please, " he says as he stepped down from the stool. Wanda used her telekinesis to lower the bucket to the floor, she picked it up and kept it away from Loki. "No!" she said with authority, "You will not be doing anymore pranking. Are you tired of being punished and imprisoned? Don't you want to be good?" she asks almost amazed at Loki's behavior.

"Pssh, and be like him?" he pointed a thumb over his shoulder, gesturing to Thor and his title, "I'm good, now may I have back the bucket?"

"No, you may not! Thor is the only one that wants to give you a chance, he cares about you. He tells me that it breaks his heart every time you have to be punished like this. He wants to be good, " she says, "You will play no more pranks and no more trick, understood?"

Loki huffs like a child and crosses his arms, "Yes, " he mutters as low as possible, "Good, " she nods, "Now go back to bed, "

She walks away back into her room, but a cold hand grabs her wrist; she turns her head to see Loki, "Why are you doing this?" he asks, "Because, I was once frowned upon until I met this family and I'm good because of it, " she says quietly. Loki nods and lets her go. 

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