Prompt: "Can you do one where Thor and Loki have a younger teen brother and he gets hurt very badly during Avengers 2012. Loki feels guilty.
Words: 2064
Warnings: language
"Thor! Where are you going?" Njord, the God of the Sea, Odin's youngest son, called out to his brother.
Thor turned around sadly, "Back to Earth, Father is sending me back, " he explains while placing a heavy hand on the young God's shoulder. "Let me come with, " Njord urges, "I can help you, I've been practicing my powers. I can help you and the Avengers, "
Njord explains this excitedly as he shows off himself conjuring a ball of water. Thor chuckles with a grin, "Not quite yet, Brother, " Thor says, "Almost, but not quite, "
Njord huffs, "Why do you wanna leave me here with Father? Loki is gone, "
Thor looks down upon the young man sadly, "I want to, but it's safer here, " Thor tries to explain, but gets cut off, "Safer? So that's why we got attacked on numerous occasions. That's why Loki died because it's safer here!" Njord rose his voice to a shout.
"ENOUGH! You are staying here Njord and that is final! Now go run off to school, " Thor demanded, his brother huffed and puffed and turned on his heels storming away, conjuring up a small wave to carrying him to the education building.
Thor sighed sadly as he summoned the Bifrost heading back to Earth, and Njord stormed into his class, not really learning much, just looking at the clock to ring for dismissal.
Njord ran off to a field and began to practice his power. Maybe if he got as strong and mighty as Thor he would be able to go to Earth and take his spot in the Avengers, or possibly work beside him.
He wanted to be like his brother, Thor, mighty and strong. But no, he was just the small prince who must be protected. It made Njord furious, rage built up in him like teapot whistling with boiling water.
He runs into the woods and takes his anger out on the great, oak trees, that have been here for centuries. Njord summons strong, violent shots of water at the bark, tearing the wood off in chunks. He wields an omnipotent, a gift from his mother and father for his birthday a few years ago. He wields it towards the trees, imagining they were his worst demons.
Anger fueling his strength. He soon grows fatigued and drops his weapon and crashes to his knees.
"Well done, Brother, " a sly, deep voice compliments from beside him. Njord turns his neck sharply at Loki, his older brother. He leaps to his feet, "LOKI! What are you doing? You're supposed to be in prison!" Njord shouts.
"Oh, keep your voice down, " Loki scoffs, "What about Father?" the young prince asks, "So, what? Are you scared?" Loki sasses at his younger brother.
Njord stutters and fumbles with his words, unsure how to phrase what he wants to say. Loki looks at him expecting an answer with a douchebag look on his face. "Ah, I guess the trip to the Midguard would be just too frightful for you, " Loki says, "Damn, I really wished you'd come along, "
"How would you get to the Midguard, you're supposed to be in prison. Heimdall would stop you. "Not like it would matter to you. You're scared of Odin's punishments. What a shame, " Loki says. Njord has a sudden leap of bravery and confidence. He has always had a pang of intimidation towards Loki. He was so mischevious and untrustworthy and troublesome. But, now he wanted to have him on his side. If he couldn't convince Thor he was worthy of being a warrior like him. Then Loki was the next best thing.

AVENGERS ONESHOTS (requests are closed)
FanfictionThis book will consist of a collection of one-shots, drabbles, preferences and what not, of the Avengers. Tony Stark (Robert Downey jr.) Steve Roger (Chris Evans) Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) Thor Odinson (Chris Hemswort...